Showing posts with label quote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quote. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2009

Another version of the Henry Ward Beecher quote . . .

I made another version of this quote. The first version appears in the post below. Which do you like better? Just curious. I call this one The Polaroid.

I am still having fun with my new camera lens. I couldn't get a good shot of the lily of the valley without doing the army crawl in the dirt so I picked it. I love the way it looks on the scallop shell. Click on the image for a larger view.

Happy Friday. Enjoy the long weekend. Have fun whatever you do. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Lily of the Valley on a Scallop Shell . . .

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009 . . .

"Take care of the earth
and she will take care of you."
Author Unknown

"Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find."
Quoted in Time Magazine

Content in a Cottage

Friday, April 17, 2009

"The bluebird carries the sky on his back." Henry David Thoreau quote . . .

I have bluebirds on my property and it never fails to thrill me each time I see one.

Happy Friday everyone! The weatherman has promised me a 70 degree day. I think I should try to organize my gardening tools and get ready to play outside later.

Enjoy your upcoming weekend. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Take time to play with the people you love . . .

I love this photo of the cat and the little girl having an outdoor tea party! It appears that there's a conversation going on too.

Content in a Cottage

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"It's not easy being green." Kermit the Frog quote . . .

This huge antique cast iron frog fountain is one of my favorite things. He's not hooked up to a recirculating pump so he doesn't spout water from his mouth. Maybe one day...

Content in a Cottage

Monday, April 6, 2009

Timely 17th century quote on taxation by Jean-Baptiste Colbert . . .

"The art of taxation consists of so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers while promoting the smallest amount of hissing."

A very timely quote by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, French Economist and Minister of Finance under King Louis XIV of France 1619-1683.

Some things never change, do they? I appreciate the humor of this man in tights!

Image from one of my antiquarian prints.

Content in a Cottage

Friday, April 3, 2009

Only Robinson Crusoe Had Everything Done By Friday

"Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday." Author Unknown

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Garden Quote by Rudyard Kipling . . .

For my own purposes I am rewriting this quote by Rudyard Kipling.

"Gardens are not made
By sitting in the shade behind a computer."

I am getting behind in my outdoor work because of the rain. If the truth be known, I am behind in my inside work too. So it's off to the salt mines for me on Saturday.

Content in a Cottage

Alice Waters | The Art of Simple Food + Video . . .

If you missed the recent segment on 60 Minutes you can watch it here. Sorry about the advertisement at the beginning. Alice Waters has been preaching the virtues of cultivating fresh food for decades. As Lesley Stahl reports, this world-renowned chef and restaurateur hopes a slower approach to the food we eat will keep us healthier and greener.

Content in a Cottage

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Push aside the curtain | Henry David Thoreau quote . . .

I thought the blue and white checked curtains in my bedroom were the perfect illustration for this quote by Henry David Thoreau. Most of the walls surrounding us we put there ourselves.

Content in a Cottage