Showing posts with label landscape design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape design. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Lovely House, Lovely Landscaping

Simply gorgeous. via
Aren't the PeeGee hydrangea standards perfect?
I found a great tutorial for hydrangea propagation here. Keep scrolling down to see all the helpful hints readers have provided. I like the last method best. Here's the home page with helpful information on the enjoyment and care of all hydrangeas. Happy gardening.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Potted Topiaries

Look at the size of those pots. They don't look so large in the distant views. There's a lot of clipping going on in this landscape. Small hedges, huge hedges half-round spherical standards and perfect grass. I wonder how many gardeners take care of this property. I'm sure this is just a small portion of a much larger estate. It's spectacular, isn't it? via

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Wisteria at an English Hotel

Wisteria, Judge’s Country House Hotel, Kirklevington, North Yorkshire England
I hope lots of British mothers are being treated today at this beautiful place in honor of Mother's Day. The wisteria is fabulous, isn't it?

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Manor, 12thC. Home in Cambridgeshire England

The Manor, Hemmingford Grey, Cambridgeshire, England, said to be the oldest continually inhabited house in Britain built in 1130. The house is open for tours. via
This home is fabulous and so fitting for today's life even though it's ancient. The size is perfect and the topiaries are amazing. This should be on your list of places to visit while in England.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Architectural Elements in A Garden

It would be hard not to think of this as an outdoor cathedral. I went on an English buying trip for architectural artifacts with friends years ago and saw all of these items offered for sale.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Follow The Boxwood Home

Isn't this a lovely approach to greet these lucky homeowners? My back ouches me at the very thought of trimming these mounds twice a year though. I have a lot of winter kill on my three large English boxwood this year for the first time ever but I'm determined to baby them back to health. The American varieties fared much better. Last week, I clipped away at the worst one hoping to stimulate some new spring growth. Fingers crossed. Have a great Sunday. xo

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Almost Time to Move Outside

All yellow things are getting ready to pop. I love the industrial doors on either side of the dining room. Do they make thermopane versions for the northeast? I would love a couple to replace my french doors.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Absolutely Lovely Landscaping

This is very beautiful and in such good taste. I love the muted tones of the soft colors. Five stars in my book. via

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Welcoming Porch Light

There's nothing more welcoming than a porch light, is there? Everything in this photo looks brand new and very nice. via

Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Favorite Landscaping

Wild and wonderful, easy to maintain. via 
I did go to the Home Depot today and got caulk and a caulking gun and I intend to master both. I'm still digging out grout and I'm doing that masterfully too. See you in the morning. xo

Friday, November 14, 2014

Landscape Design for the Ages

Could anything be lovelier? I think not. via We got a dusting of snow overnight but we have bright sun this morning to melt it quickly. See you later. xo

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Southern Gothic 19th Century Southern Cottage - Furlow Gatewood

Save this post to read on Sunday Morning. That's what I'm going to do, indepth. I'm rushing to watch the new season of Doctor Who that's recording right now.

-- article from Veranda
While it doesn't look it now, this splendid mid-nineteenth-century gothic house was sawn in half and trucked sixty-five miles through Georgia.

"Anywhere I travel, I'm always looking at houses," says Furlow Gatewood. "This one was going to be torn down."

When the structure arrived at his property in Americus, a passerby was heard to say: "There goes the neighborhood." Well, talk about premature judgments!

Sounds good, doesn't it?
View the 12-photo slide show here.
Enjoy. xo

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Greener Acres - Perfect Pool House in Chicago

Greener Acres - Chicago Home "Greener Acres ~ A grand home in Lake Forest goes formal and nearly flowerless with Euro-style landscape design" I love this perfect pool house, don't you? The article from Chicago Home Magazine is very interesting. Notice the lack of color in the landscape design . . . green only. Don't forget to view the photo gallery.