Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

New Dog at My Cottage

He doesn't eat much, is very quiet, and he's house broken. Don't you love my new lamp? Found after having lunch with a friend yesterday when we stopped in a shop before I took her back to her marketing director duties at the Westmont Montessori School in Mendham. We stopped at The Grand Bazaar and we both found tons of treasures awaiting us. Next time we are going to pack a lunch and eat it on Sue's porch so we will have more money to spend on Christmas gifts and wonderful things to decorate our cottage homes. My lamp needed a little doctoring because it had just arrived and needed a little help. I was capable of doing the repairs myself and got a good price for adopting him. I love dog rescues of all kinds. Webster would have been happier if this little guy were alive to keep him company when I'm out having fun. Maybe some day. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Living Room at My Cottage

Good morning from Webster, The Wonder Dog.

Do we ever stop tweeking our rooms? I put my favorite lamps back in the living room and I love them. I took this photo first and it could have been the only one if Webster had been looking up. Have a great Sunday. xo
Lamp with light on.

Lamp in natural light.
I blogged about them in 2009 here.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Pup Wearing Hand Knit Sweater

It's almost time to start wearing sweaters. I think this precious puppy has almost outgrown this one because his back legs no longer fit in the slits. via

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Webster on National Dog Day 2015

Did you know today was NATIONAL DOG DAY? Webster rescued me 13 years ago and neither of us ever looked back. I took his photo to celebrate our happy life together.

Who cares?

Maybe dogs aren't so bad after all.
The two pics above were found here.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Webster Waiting

Webster is waiting patiently for me to finish playing around with my camera on our after-breakfast walk this morning. The grass is getting greener and the leaves are already started to fall. We are having hot days and cool nights with a heavy dew each morning. Have a great weekend. xo

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna and Tabitha -- Together Again.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my mother walking her cat Tabitha. Anna departed 2-1/2 years ago and Tabitha went to join her yesterday. Now it's only Webster and me and we miss them both. Tabitha had been failing for the past couple of weeks and her passing didn't come as a big surprise. I actually thought she was improving since her appetite returned, but I was wrong. She lived a good life here and she loved keeping watch and sleeping in "her" chair next to the front door. Who will guard the cottage now? Not Webster. He's too busy sitting under the air conditioning duct that blows down on his dog bed. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Free Range Chicken + Envious Dog

Maybe the chicken is wishing the dog could come out and play.
They seem okay with each other and the dog looks calm and wishful too. Both are beauties. Source

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Husky and The Kitten

This is a great story about how a Husky nursed this kitten back to health. Read here. There are many heart-warming photos of Lilo and Rosey too. Love!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cast Iron Urn Detail with Dog Handles

I love old iron gardening pieces with animal designs in the casting, especially dogs. via

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Best Friends Forever

The title of this photo is so cute.
"Forbidden Love"
I can't wait to get in my bed. I mowed and weed whacked all afternoon and I'm pooped. I got way behind because of all the rain we've had. I mowed yesterday too. I still have a lot to do but progress is being made. Yay.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sweet Dreams: The Owl and The Dog

These two like each other when they're awake too.
Click on the link under the first photo and keep clicking the forward arrow to see more wonderful photos of these unlikely friends. Sleep tight. Zzzzz

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Napping Dog: Webster's Watercolor

Doesn't he look like the most contented dog ever? It's been way too long since I used the Waterlogue App on my iPhone to convert a photo into a watercolor. Now I want to do more. Don't have it yet? Get it here. xo

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Webster. His first animated GIF.

I am so happy I finally learned how to make a Webster gif. The wonder dog is so worthy, isn't he? He's rolling in clover and loving it. xo

How did I do it? It was very easy. I downloaded the Google Photo app to my iPhone. Then I selected these photos that had a similar background. Then I clicked the + sign on the tool bar and the rest was done for me automatically. So fun! Joanna Stern from the Wall Street Journal has a great tutorial here.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Webster and Tabitha Together

It's very hard to get a decent photo of these two together but somehow I managed on a sunny day last week. As you can see, Tabitha is on her throne ignoring poor Webster but he doesn't mind. He's always happy to be in her presence and he happily lets her rule the roost.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Illustrations: Animals w/ Wanderlust

These two are my favorites. See more wonderful crafts and pictures from children's books showing animals with wanderlust here.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dogs in Their Human's Bed

This photo is so dear and brings to mind the old days when Webster could still jump up on my bed and get really comfy.

Webster the Wonder Dog in his youthful days on my bed. His muzzle is completely white now but he's still very spry for his 13 years. He is loving his new grain free Salmon and Sweet Potato kibble from Costco and it really agrees with him. It got rid of his gas completely and that's a wonderful thing.

I took this photo this evening after our walk. Now to watch the evening news. See you tomorrow. xo

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Good Dog.

I like it all, especially the respectful dog. This interior is stunning in every way and I love every inch of it! Homeschooling a dog has its rewards, doesn't it?

Friday, April 24, 2015

Cow Kisses

If this doesn't make you smile, nothing will. The animal world never ceases to amaze me. These cows seem to really love that dog and he adores their kisses. So sweet!