Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Art Supplies As Art

Please do not touch or use or rearrange. We are art [supplies] -- brand new and perfectly arranged. ... - ...

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Little Prince Pillowcase + Rubber Stamp Set

Just look at this adorable hand-embroidered pillowcase by Claudia Marchán. She made it for her nephew who lives in France. Translation: "Sweet dreams little prince WiWi"

Hand-made presents really are the best, aren't they?

I found someone who made this hand-carved set of rubber stamps from line drawings in the book 'Le Petit Prince" -- I don't know if they are for sale or not. Finding out is up to you. Please let me know if the answer is yes.

Content in a Cottage

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Paper Mache Teacup Tower

I like these paper mache teacups that aren't trying to look like something they're  not. They are made of newsprint that shows through the thin colored wash. These would be wonderful filled with Easter grass and colored eggs. I think I'll go put on the kettle and have a cup of tea now. via

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Button Hearts

Button Hearts This is a pretty hanging Valentine heart beautifully crafted using mother of pearl buttons strung with wire. Why not go to your button drawer and see if you have enough of your own to make one of these yourself. Let me know if you do. Sometimes I buy garments at rummage and garage sales just for the buttons. 

Content in a Cottage

Monday, January 17, 2011

Amazing Papercutting Made From An Old Book

This is the perfect image for my last post of the day. Isn't this papercutting made from an old book simply amazing? It is truly a fairytale in and of itself. I don't know who made it. Found here. Goodnight all.

Content in a Cottage

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sailor's Knot Bracelet Tutorial

Why knot make a bracelet this weekend? Tutorial here. All you need is 3.5 yards of twine but please don't cut down the clothes line :-) Have fun. 

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hedgehog Mittens to Knit

Aren't these hedgehog mittens the cutest things you've ever seen? I love them. It's probably too late for you to make these for Christmas 2010 but they would be a great project for the doldrums that set in after the holidays. Order kit here. They will be the most lovable things you'll ever knit to wear on your hands.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yarn Snowman Family

This delightful yarn snow family warms the cockles of my heart. So clever from Spidatter.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Paper Snowflake Tutorial [Origami]

Garland made from origami paper, dental floss and tape.

So this is how it's done?

I really love the red snowflakes on brown paper tied with string.
Aren't these red snowflakes beautiful? I can't take credit for the photos or the instructions either. Head on over to How About Orange for all that.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Download + Print SANTA'S BEARD

Download and print Santa's Beard. Click here for the PDF.
When wearing, don't forget to "Ho Ho Ho" in your best Santa voice. See the pictures on Flickr of people wearing the beards.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Magnolia Printed on An Old Dictionary Page

I really never thought of printing images directly on pages from old books but I guess you can. This vintage magnolia image looks lovely on an old dictionary page, doesn't? Found on

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vintage Mother Goose Alphabet To Cut and Paste

Isn't this vintage Mother Goose alphabet wonderful? It's from the early 20th century and I know you'll have fun with it. Click to enlarge the image.

Cut and paste with your scissors or your photo editing software. This would be good for creating an advent calendar for the upcoming Christmas season too. I'm sure you will think of many other handcrafted items to make using it. I scanned this pictorial alphabet from one of my antiquarian books on Historic Alphabets and Initials. Other alphabets available here.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another Vintage Alphabet To Cut and Paste

Another nice vintage alphabet for creating your holiday cards, place cards for the table, etc. Click to enlarge the alphabet and numbers. Cut and Paste using real scissors or your photo editing software. Have fun.
My First Vintage Alphabet here.

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Vintage Alphabet To Cut and Paste

A nice vintage alphabet for creating your holiday cards, place cards for the table, etc. Click to enlarge the alphabet and numbers. Cut and Paste using real scissors or your photo editing software. Have fun.
Another Vintage Alphabet here.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Jack Skellington Halloween Hat + Mask To Knit | Free Pattern

Get out your knitting needles -- you still have time to make this wonderful hat/mask for Halloween. It's great for skiers and snowboarders as well as Trick or Treaters since it adjusts to all kinds of winter weather. It makes for a very original, warm and practical Halloween accessory too.

The design is mostly inspired by the character Jack Skellington from the animated movie 'The Nightmare before Christmas’ by director Tim Burton.
Download Free Pattern from Knitty Magazine

The Fall 2010 Issue of Knitty Magazine is available here.

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