Showing posts with label PBS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PBS. Show all posts

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Escape Artist: Sunday on PBS

I watched Episode 1 last night and I'm so happy I did. It was riveting. I recorded it last Sunday. The finale (Episode 2) is tomorrow night. Can't wait. David Tennant is wonderful. 

Lucky for you, PBS is repeating Episode 1 tomorrow (Sunday) night from 8:00-9:30 pm and the new and final Episode 2 from 9:30-11:00 pm. You will be able to watch it straight through. I might watch Episode 1 again. Here is the PBS link for The Escape Artist on Masterpiece Mystery.

NOTE: DUE TO RIGHTS RESTRICTIONS, THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR ONLINE STREAMING. You will have to watch it live or record it. Don't miss it. You are welcome!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Bletchley Circle Season 2 Tonight

I'm off to the bedroom to watch Call the Midwife that is recording on my DVR. I just found out that after Mr. Selfridge, a new season of The Bletchley Circle is on tonight. I loved Season One. Here's a preview of Season Two on PBS.
Mad Men, Season 7 is on tonight too. Why do all the good shows have to be on Sunday night? There are 7 programs on tonight that I want to watch. I'll have to watch half of them online. Oh well, it's a good problem to have. I love TV. Enjoy your programs. xo
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Call The Midwife - Season 3 Tonight

Call The Midwife - Website
Tonight is the Season 3 Premier on PBS at 8PM. I'm so glad it comes on early so don't forget to set your DVR. I love this show. Afterwards is Season 2 Premier of Mr. Selfridge.
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Friday, February 28, 2014

Good Laughs at Downton Abbey

Here's a little peek at what goes on before the camera is turned on at Downton. They seem to be enjoying a good behind the scenes laugh and that makes me giggle too. But I'm sad I'll have to wait so long before I see them again. via
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Webster's Tuckered Out

He's dozing with his zebra right now. I'm thinking about tucking in pretty soon myself. I have things to watch on my DVR and Father Brown is on tonight too, followed by Scott and Bailey. I hope I can stay awake! What would we do without PBS?
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Murray-arity versus Benedict Sherlock

I'm ignoring the elephant in the room (the coming snow storm) in favor of Benedict, Murray, and The Count.

This is so adorable. What a cute way to introduce PBS Kids to Sherlock Holmes. Click here if you can't see the video above. Benedict Cumberbatch, as himself, is quite comfortable with two of the Muppets, isn't he? Now I love him even more.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Good Night Bloggerville

Webster is sleeping in this watercolor and in real life too. I have all my nightly chores finished and I'm just about ready to jump in bed to watch Father Brown followed by Scott & Bailey on PBS. Now that's what I call a perfect weekday evening. See you tomorrow. xo
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Recent Deer Sighting Here at The Cottage

A family of four deer took a shortcut through the rear of my property but I only captured two of them with my camera. I don't see nearly as many deer as in previous years. It's always thrilling to see a buck with a big rack.
Oh, by the way, here's another PBS TV show I like. It comes on up here right after Father Brown. It's called Scott and Bailey....two modern day lady detectives in London Manchester. I've only seen one episode and I liked it. I told a friend about it and she saw the episode she missed on YouTube. Look it up and see if you like it too. xo
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Preview of Tonight

Add a fire in the fireplace and this will be me tonight as I watch Sherlock. I am not a sports fan and I'm so happy PBS will not be interrupting the one program I've been waiting for so anxiously. Of course, I will be watching Downton Abbey before the new season of my favorite detectives. I HOPE I can stay awake until midnight for the 2-hour premier. Will your household be with me or the Super Bowl? 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

221B Baker Street

Two weeks from tomorrow is the premier of Sherlock, Season 3 on PBS. I'm really looking forward to another season. I can't believe all of my favorite shows are on the same night. Sunday = Downton Abbey, Sherlock, The Good Wife and Revenge. And those are just the network shows. Thank goodness for full episodes online! via

I found this blog that posts about Sherlock every day! I'm almost afraid to look at it for fear there will be spoiler alerts. It's from Engand and they got the new series on January 1st from BBC.
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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Countdown to Downton Abbey

Only 3 more days.
Anna fishes for a toy duck as little Sybbie and daddy Tom Branson look on. I have already set my DVR for Sunday's 2-hour premier of Season 4. Can't wait! I just looked at the countdown clock and it's 3 days, 7 hours, 47 minutes exactly. moving image found here

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lovely Christmas Tree and Wreath

I love the tree and wreath in green and red against the paneled door. via

I just saw an ad for one of my favorite programs on PBS. Call The Midwife is having a Holiday Special tomorrow night from 7:30 - 9:00. Details and short video here.
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Few Minutes Between Photos

Webster was enjoying an after-breakfast survey of his domain on the balcony checking out the flocks of blackbirds that were flying around everywhere. As you can see, I mowed yesterday afternoon and did a double duty job of cutting grass and crunching/blowing the leaves. My driveway is still covered though and will require hand raking.

Moments after we came inside, it started to rain. I've always found wet leaves are much easier to rake than dry ones so tomorrow I shall do the driveway. Today is a good day for never-ending inside chores and maybe a movie. I have several TV shows to catch up on too. I searched around the internet and have successfully watched season one of Sherlock and enjoyed it very much. I hope I can find season two as well (free) because I just learned that the series starring Benedict Cumberbatch will be following Downton Abbey in January. 
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Beautiful Fall Weather @ My Cottage

I took this photo yesterday while I was sitting in one of the adirondack chairs in the way back. As you can see we are still having gorgeous weather. Tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day yet and there might be rain by the end of the week. The decorative duct covers for my air conditioning don't have open/close registers behind them and all of the warm air in the rooms from my fabulous cast iron radiators gets sucked up. When I get my ceilings painted I hope to put them behind the register covers. My ceilings are plaster so it will be a messy job. In the meantime I always put freezer paper over them with double-sided tape, shiny side out. It works like a charm too and there are no more drafts. That was my project for today and it feels cozier already! Today is the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy that did so much damage around here. I don't even like to think about that ordeal. Trees were down everywhere and I had no power for 9 days. The Jersey Shore is still recovering because of water damage which I did not have, thankfully. Let's hope Halloween isn't as freaky as it was last year and the year before that with a snow storm. I want calm this year.
I have finally started watching The Paradise. I watched the 2-hour first episode yesterday and liked it very much. Thank goodness for PBS full episodes online.
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Doc Martin, Season 6

Look what landed in my mailbox today from Acorn. They wanted me to know they would be shipping Season 6 on January 6th. The cover of the DVD is perfect, isn't it? For those of you who need to catch up, here's a link for DOC MARTIN, Seasons 1-5 you can watch free. It worked for me when I first discovered this wonderful PBS series and I hope it works for you. Enjoy. I can't wait to see the wedding!!!
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Downton Abbey Season 4 Preview

It's a little too early to get excited, but I found this behind the scenes peek enjoyable. Click here if you can't see the PBS video below.

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Endeavour Returns to PBS Tonight

I'm so excited that ENDEAVOUR is returning as a July series on PBS beginning tonight. The pilot premiered in 2012 and is still available to watch online here. If you can spare an hour/+22 minutes before tonight, you should watch it and fall in love with the young Inspector MORSE on his first days on the job in 1960s OXFORD. I promise you will love it too. Check your local listings for tonight's time and channel in your area. It's on at 9pm here at the cottage. Can't wait!!!!!!!! I watched the pilot again last night and I'm so glad I did. Let me know if you watch. You're welcome.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cast Iron Frog in My Garden

I took this photo early one morning last week. Ribbit. He's a big old one and I love him. I got up before the cat for some reason this morning and decided to start watching PBS Masterpiece recorded from Sunday night. I love Inspector Lewis Mysteries and this episode is the  beginning of Season VI. Here is a review from Forbes Magazine. See you later.
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Crime-solving quartet premiers tonight on PBS in 'Bletchley Circle'

A new miniseries premiers tonight on PBS @ 10pm in my area. Set in Britain in 1952, this review says it's supposed to be smart and highly suspenseful. I have already set my DVR. When the sisterhood of four detectives gets together to discuss a case, it is under the cover of a book club. I like it already!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lady Mary's Wedding on Downton Abbey


Sunday night was wonderful, wasn't it? The two-hour premier of Downton Abbey, Season 3 did not disappoint. Did you watch? If you missed it you can watch online here. I loved all of the white buntings decorating the route to the wedding of Lady Mary Crawley to Matthew Crawley.
google images