Showing posts with label Organizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organizing. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tabitha's New Cat Cafe

     I was feeling powerful yesterday and decided to tear apart my entrance vestibule to clean and declutter. Tabitha always wakes me up in the middle of the night to beg for food because Webster has stolen what I left out for her. I racked my brain trying to think of a new arrangement that would be dog proof and this is is what worked. When I woke up this morning she was already having breakfast and she was able to snack through the night so this setup worked like a charm. That's an old blue fleece pullover on the small bistro chair for sleeping. She needs the booster chair in order to be able to jump up on the makeshift table. The base is a heavy wire basket I use for firewood with a half-round piece of wood in old blue paint for the top. So far, so good. Her woven willow cat bed is in the room too on the floor as an alternate sleeping place. 
     Now my kitchen is destroyed and I have to work on it next. All the junk I took out of the vestibule needs new places to live and most will go to the basement and the garage. Some will be donated and other things will be put away for the winter. I have way too many scarves, hats, and gloves. Tabitha will be happier when I buy more cat food to fill up her jar as it's almost empty. A Costco run is on my list, maybe later day. Spring cleaning is progressing nicely here at the cottage and it feels good to be organized. UPDATE: I went to Costco and now Webster and Tabitha both have new giant bags of food. They have already sampled it and they both like what I brought home.
     Happy Tax Day. Hope you all make the deadline. I'll stay away from the post office today. xo

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Galley Kitchen Love

In my opinion, the size of a kitchen doesn't matter as long as there is a window. This one would make me very happy and I love the arrangement. Can you believe they have a gallery wall instead of cupboards behind the sink? How wonderful! 
I had a change of plans yesterday and ended up tearing up one room and spring cleaning it from top to bottom. I surprised myself and I hope to repeat the process in another room today. My grandmother always spent one whole week in each room of her home on spring and fall cleaning. It was a real ritual that required lots of help moving furniture. I emulated her by moving everything out of the room except the bed and it really wasn't that hard. I hope I can keep up the momentum. xo

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Great Quote about Possessions

I love this quote. I released lots of snow on my walk and on my car this morning and it made me happy. The bright sun is doing a nice job of melting the driveway, just as I hoped it would. Happy first full day of spring. Have a great weekend. xo

Monday, February 16, 2015

Two Workspaces I Like.

I like to display favorite things to delight my eyes in my workspaces too.

This whole room is nothing short of amazing. Love the window and the desk.
Happy Presidents' Day: be careful if you go out.. Bright sun is shining on the cottage and it's very calm outside this morning. I need some things but I won't be shopping today. I'll wait until tomorrow when I can combine a trip to the supermarket with my office meeting, mailing a package at the post office, and a routine dentist appointment. See you later. xo

Monday, January 26, 2015

Great Workspace with Cupboards

I like this setup very much. File drawers on the left with cupboard doors above. Built-in bookshelves on the right with drawers below. Two windows for daydreaming. Good light. Hopefully there's a hidden electrical outlet and the lamp indicates there is. Love it. via
My morning snow has stopped and it's getting brighter outside and the roads are black. The worst will happen tonight and tomorrow. So far, so good. Hope you can say the same. Be safe and warm. xo

Monday, January 19, 2015

Great Firewood Organizer

This is a very clever design. Everything you need for an open fire in one spot. Love it! via

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

Wall of Cupboards with Glass Doors

This looks amazing, doesn't it?
There's no such thing as "out of sight, out of mind" with all of your finery displayed in plain sight here. Every house needs a wall like this! Found on Google Images
Have a great Holiday weekend and enjoy the leftovers. xo

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Nice Workspace

I like this work space with the cupboards on either side to take care of the clutter. Very nice indeed. via

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Great Sewing and Craft Work Room

Isn't this wonderful? I'm well on my way to putting my third floor in order so I can work up there again. For a long time, it has been a repository for things that didn't have a home. I'm almost finished and I'm so happy. Below you will see the small, long section of my attic where I had a window installed last year when I had my house painted. It is now a packing and wrapping room for gifts and my ebay endeavors. I'm back on track again and it feels so good. 

There is no heat or airconditioning in this part of my attic that has the lowest roofline and no dormers. The airconditioning unit is behind the doors to the right and I could always have a vent put in this area but so far it hasn't been necessary. I have to move my table when I have the unit serviced. There is a door where I was standing to take this photo so I can close this area off completely. When I was remodeling my cottage, I never imagined I would outfit the room like this but I'm glad I have it. It's deeper than it looks in this photo and I can stand up straight in the middle. The doorway is low and I still bump my head on a regular basis. Enjoy your Sunday and I'll see you later. xo

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Some of My Favorite Things

Cubbies, wire shelves, bins, balls of string, twine, jars, pencils, labels, little gift bags, clothes pins, etc. I love it all. via

Monday, June 9, 2014

Taking the Day to Regroup

Ever since I got up this morning, I've been putting things back in their proper places. My kitchen table was starting to like the photo above. I'm making progress and am almost ready to vacuum. It's a dark and dreary rainy Monday, perfect for regrouping. My new real estate listing has taken all of my time lately with an Open House yesterday. It was great and hopefully we'll have a contract soon. See you later. xo

Friday, December 27, 2013

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 53

More sage advice from a father to a son. It's been too long since I posted from this book -- over a year. I will post weekly until this volume is finished. I'm working hard on #695 trying to get my upstairs office in order. It has been too long since I gave this space my attention. My big PC is up here and it contains all my files for posts like this and my Photoshop editing software. I've been working downstairs from my laptop and neglecting my desktop. I know everyone will be happy to see Life's Instruction Book once again. I'm getting a jump on my New Year's Resolutions. 
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tiny Kitchen Desk Area + Faucet Sprayer

This tiny, well-organized kitchen command center is really all you need. Note to self: "You do not need to use every available horizontal space on the kitchen table and counter. Try condensing it to one area instead."

This is something I've never seen and I love it. How many times do I need this sprayer every day? More than I can count. Yes, please! 

Click here for more ideas if you plan to remodel your kitchen.
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Organized Work Space

This is the first of a 13-photo slideshow of the same work space rearranged. Make sure to look by clicking here. Miss Vu has the magic touch, doesn't she?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wonderful Work Space

I love this hanging desk so much. This is a perfect little place to sit and work, isn't it? The rolling cart around the corner filled with art supplies can be pulled around when needed. This is better than having drawers at the desk in my opinion. In my world, drawers are places to stuff junk. Paying bills here would be a real pleasure. I read somewhere that chalkboard is the new black. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Kitchen Drawers Galore

If I had this many wonderful small drawers in my kitchen I would probably spend most of my time opening them searching for things. Eventually I would get a system going. Anyway, it's a great look!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Linen Storage

I love the built-in linen presses and open shelves for linen storage. So much nicer than a linen closet. via You almost never see this old-fashioned feature in new homes -- only old ones.