Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Halloween Witch on Barn

I wonder when these people will hang up their Halloween witch? I have to drive by once the leaves start to turn and check. It's pretty wonderful, isn't it? I took this photo last year.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Historic Barn with a great holiday look . . .

I drove past this great barn in Mendham, NJ today on my way to the dentist. I stopped my car on the way home to snap a couple of pictures. I wish I had seen this before Halloween last week. I hope these people leave the witch on her broom on display for a long time. Isn't it great? ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween and Open Shelves in Bathroom

Haven't carved your pumpkins yet? Paint them instead.

Didn't buy Halloween candy? Let them eat cake.

You know how much I love open shelves.

Finally...a place for all those shells.

Don't forget to set your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed tonight. Daylight savings time is over. I don't look forward to the short days, with darkness setting in so early. Maybe I can train myself to get up earlier.
I cleaned out closets yesterday and took three big bags of unwanted warm winter clothes to the Clothing Bank in Morristown. Made me feel good to know I will be helping to keep people warm. It was very balmy and the town merchants were giving out Halloween treats to school children who were parading up and down the sidewalks in their costumes without their coats. Some were very cute.
Have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by the cottage. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Skull Fonts :: Free Download

Martha Stewart had Noah Scalin on her program. He created a skull a day for one year. He has two skull fonts to download on his blog. I just downloaded them and printed the banner shown above. Enlarge for the full effect. Dark background with lighter printing works best.
Download here ... scroll down the sidebar.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wonderful Halloween Images . . .

Halloween is almost here. Did you buy your candy yet? It's always nice for the children when it falls on a Saturday as it does this year. They can stay up late, eat lots of trick or treat junk, and be sick on Sunday. Thanks for stopping by the cottage for a trip down memory lane. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Antique piece of Vampire History :: Vampire Killing Kit circa 1800 sells for $14,850.

A complete and authentic vampire killing kit — made around 1800 and complete with stakes, mirrors, a gun with silver bullets, crosses, a Bible, holy water, candles and even garlic, all housed in a American walnut case with a carved cross on top — attained $14,850 in the Jimmy Pippen estate sale by Stevens Auctioneers on October 3–4, 2008 in the Natchez Convention Center.

Dwight Stevens of Stevens Auction Company says, "I don't believe in vampires -- I've never met one. But somebody believed in them, something drove people to believe. From New Orleans to Vicksburg, these old boxes remain." Stevens has sold four vampire killing kits in his 27 years as an auctioneer with this one being the most expensive to date. Hmmm. I wonder if this kit would work on werewolves too? I can't remember a time when vampires were more popular, can you?

Thanks for stopping by the cottage for a little antiquarian fright today. ♥Rosemary

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Monday, October 19, 2009

A Vintage Halloween Postcard Video . . .

I couldn't embed this wonderful video because the feature was disabled. Click here or on the image above to go to the slideshow of Vintage Halloween postcards with music. Trick or Treat!

Thanks for stopping by the cottage to get in the mood for everyone's favorite holiday which is less than 2 weeks away. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Best Baby Halloween Costume (hilarious) . . .

A baby dressed as a ventriloquist's dummy. Clever, quirky, and hilarious.
Found @ A Cup of Jo

Content in a Cottage

Friday, October 31, 2008

Wes Craven | Halloween 2008 Video endorsing Obama . . .

Wes Craven, the master of the horror film trilogy Nightmare on Elm Street starring the iconic Freddy Krueger has produced a YouTube film for Halloween 2008. There is no fright here but an episode urging everyone to vote.

How nice of such a busy man to take the time to urge people to do their civic duty and vote. Watch closely; he appears to favor Obama.

Content in a Cottage

Jack 'O Lantern Grilled Cheese Halloween Snack . . .

Isn't this the cleverest open-faced grilled cheese you've ever seen?

Let your goblins cut the shape of a Jack 'O Lantern face out of a slice of cheddar cheese. Place it on a toasted English muffin and smear it with a smidge of barbecue sauce. Broil until cheese is melted and add a little green onion stem.

This would be good for a quick dinner for excited trick or treaters who won't/can't sit still for a complete meal. They are just going to be sick later anyway after eating all that candy.
Found @ Prudence Pennywise

Make the BEST HALLOWEEN MASK EVER (free download) . . .

I love this DIY paper craft (with tutorial) so much. You will be the hit of any Halloween Party holding this up to your face!

Say goodbye to uncomfortable plastic masks or sweaty (and ill-smelling) latex hoods. Put a little craft into your costume this year and have a ghoulishly good time doing it.

Full instructions.

Download template.

Photo: Jeff Rudell

Wishing you an Old-Fashioned Hallowe'en

Here's hoping you survive the vampires, ghosts and goblins, and that your treat bags are filled to the top.

I scanned this image from a 2001 Martha Stewart Living. It's simply BOOOtiful, isn't it?

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