Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

Webster has a Weekend Guest

Webster's friend Henry is spending the weekend with us and the Wonder Dog is thrilled to have some company. Webster is a great host who doesn't mind sharing. It rained most of the day but we managed to get in several walks. We'll take the last one in the dark after the evening news. Have a great weekend.
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dog Sledding -- Literally

Hilarious. Found here. There is a video of these crazy dogs sledding here. They look like they are having so much fun.
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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dogs at Rest

What a pair. I don't wear an eye mask at night but if I did, I'd be thinking about putting it on sometime soon. Sleep tight when you tuck in and have a great rest of the weekend. xo Image from Google Images.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sleeping with a Spotted Cow

Webster was so happy last night when I brought his spotted cow down from the third floor. It makes a perfect pillow for the wonder dog who is an expert at getting comfortable.
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Friday, November 8, 2013

Breakfast is On the Way

The eggs are boiling and Webster's waiting for one on top of his kibble and oatmeal.

I always put my eggs in cold water and bring them to a boil. Then I put on the lid and turn off the burner. In ten minutes they are perfect. Webster thinks that's too long to wait. I think I'll have mine sliced on top of a piece of buttered toast. Yum. I have no idea why I'm up so early but it's nice. See you later.
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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Nice Family Entrance

I can't see the door but it's probably solid so I like the full side light. There is probably another one on the other side for symmetry, right? I forgot to tell you I took Webster to an open house I was hosting on Sunday and he was absolutely miserable. The house had no place for him to sit and look outside. Here at the cottage, he has 2 French doors and 2 very low windows in the living room. One of the windows is over his bed. In the attic he has a bed in front of one of the eyebrow windows that is almost at floor level. When he goes downstairs with me to do laundry, he can  sit in front of a sliding glass door so he is covered on all levels. He couldn't understand how anyone could live otherwise. When he finally got home he ran to his bed and just collapsed. He usually loves going to other people's houses with me but the one on Sunday did NOT get his seal of approval. via
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Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Dogs Go Trick or Treating

I wish I had seen this yesterday. What a great image! If only we could see their faces. Do you think the cat opened the door? I hope these ghostly dogs got plenty of treats. xo via
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day is Done

I love dogs on furniture, don't you? I vacuumed both of my love seats today with the pet hair attachment and got tons of animal hair off. Tabitha tends to stay in one spot so it was mostly from Webster. He's thrilled. Now he can start depositing more, especially after I go to bed when he sneaks up and sleeps wherever he wants. Oh, the life of a treasured dog. The one in the photo doesn't have it too bad either, does he? Good night everyone, see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Webster and Tabitha Have Requests

He doesn't make a sound. He begs with his eyes. Cheese toast is his favorite.

Tabitha has settled in for a nap after being outside since the early morning hours. She wants me to postpone stripping the bed until later so she can warm up and recover. I was able to round up a full load without the sheets so her request was granted.
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Friday, October 18, 2013

Fabulous Video: Cats Stealing Dog Beds

Cats Stealing Dog Beds

My friend Stacey of Stacey Snacks sent me this video yesterday because she knew I would love it and I did. It made me late for a real estate appointment. I almost slept the clock around I was so tired last night and my brain isn't allowing me to post anything original. Thanks, Stacey. I know our blog readers will enjoy this video of cats stealing dog beds too. Webster lets Tabitha do anything she wants because he is super respectful of her wishes, or terrified of her, I can't decide which. I think it's the latter. He won't even come inside the house if she's in the vestibule unless I stand in front of her so he can pass without having her hiss at him. 

Be sure to click on the link if you can't see the embedded video above. It's adorable. 
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Power Wash Weekend

My cottage after a day of power washing yesterday.

He and I are both exhausted from power-wash Saturday. The house and barn/garage look fantastic. My workers were amazing and worked without stopping from 8am until about 5:30 in the afternoon. They were the only people I interviewed who didn't use bleach. My guys used Simple Green House and Siding Cleaner. One guy went around first with a backpack sprayer or a hand-held sprayer and sprayed it all surfaces and the guy with the power washer went behind him in due time. The power wash solution had Simple Green in it too. It is safe for all surfaces and is non-toxic to pets and plantings. It worked wonders on my mildew staining. Webster supervised from inside. The house looks fabulous. My photo above looks perfect but there is a lot that needs to be attended to. The front fascia has deteriorated and will be replaced with Azek. They are coming back tomorrow at 8am to start on carpentry repair work. 

Webster had a nice weekend. Henry spent several nights here and they had so much fun together. He's no trouble at all. I have had a pretty relaxing Sunday and I'm planning on tucking in early to watch the Emmys. I backed up and updated my iPhone 4S and iPad to IOS 7 and so far, I like it. See you tomorrow.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Webster's Sofa Bed

He sleeps here every night. He thinks I don't know.

I hear his feet hit the floor just after mine do in the other room.

Tonight I put a blanket there for him. He was surprised, but thrilled. Good Night, Everyone. I'm getting ready to tuck in too. I hope I can stay awake for tonight's episode of Broadchurch on BBC America.

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Wonder Dog Sleeps

He loves the cooler weather when he can be wrapped up in blankets when he naps. Webster bids you all a good night and a great second half of the weekend tomorrow. xo
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Friday, August 30, 2013

French Bulldog Pup

Here's a puppy for this morning's cuteness to brighten your whole day. He's adorable, isn't he? I saw my friend Piggy, the little white Frenchie earlier this week and he was glad to see me. Today is called the gateway to the Labor Day weekend. Get an early start if you will be driving and be safe. via
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dog Rules for the Literary Canines

I took a quick iPhone photo of this sign in a house I was showing yesterday. It was hanging over two dog beds.  Webster can't read so he doesn't need a sign. He's practically perfect, you know! 
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Friday, August 2, 2013

Blue Plate Special Dog Breakfast

Henry always eats his fried egg first.

Webster eats his mixed with water, like soup.

Blue Plate Special. Fried egg, kibble and oatmeal.

When is dinner? May I have mine on a plate too?
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Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Soft Summer Rain Today

I was jolted out of bed this morning by knocking at my door. I forgot I was taking care of Henry, the cavalier king charles spaniel for a couple of days. It was also raining. So there you have it. My morning has calmed down now that I've had breakfast coffee. Now I must prepare some oatmeal and kibble for Webster and Henry. See you later.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Bull Terrier Pup in a Basket

"Take me with you, pretty please with sugar on it."
I have always loved this breed. You see bull terriers often in England but almost never around here. This pup is especially sweet and he's ready for the weekend. via
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