Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Love Old Alarm Clocks

image source
I love the looks of old alarm clocks. I have one in my bedroom that doesn't keep very accurate time but I wind it up every night before I go to sleep. I rely on my iPhone to wake me up every morning.

Here is my clock on top of a great dog book, a thoughtful Christmas gift from a friend. The loud ticking of this clock when I first turn off my light at night helps put me to sleep. It also drowns out the "house noises" that usually keep me awake. I have very acute hearing and I can hear a pin drop in the next county. This old clock is a great noise canceling device and I'm so glad it turned out to be a sleeping aid. Enjoy the evening. xo

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

New Girl in Town

Harlow and Indiana welcome their new little sister named Reese. via Instagram She looks like a dachshund puppy with pointer markings. Love her, and she looks like a boss!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

His Name is Sammy

Isn't this puppy adorable? I'm sure he's going to have a great first Christmas. I couldn't resist posting this bundle of brown cuteness to get your day off to a good start. Sammy by Christian Vieler

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I miss having Webster in the Car

Don't worry, he's fine. But he can no longer jump into my car to go for a ride. It's too high off the ground. He can't jump up on my bed either and I actually sleep better because of that. Tabitha doesn't move a muscle all night long when she sleeps on my bed but she gets up much earlier that I would like. Right now, she's fast asleep in the vestibule all curled up on an old wool sweater in her cat bed with her food dish in plain sight. The rain arrived right on schedule and we are all enjoying a rainy day. Enjoy yours too. xo via

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pretty Soon, This Will Be Me Too.

This is adorable even though I no longer allow dogs on furniture. He certainly must be having sweet dreams on this beautiful needlepoint pillow. I'll be tucking in soon to watch and learn about The Roosevelts on PBS. Will you be watching too? photo source

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Webster and Henry Hanging Out after Sunday Supper

Karen in VA requested pictures of Henry, our visiting dog. His mom is picking him up tomorrow and Webster will miss him. The only reason I have the little one on a leash is so he won't terrorize the cat. Tabitha hasn't set foot in the house since he came on Wednesday morning. If he sees her and he's not on a leash, he will chase her. He loves cats but Tabitha barely tolerates Webster so she wants nothing to do with Henry.

They have been fed, walked and watered so they are all set for the evening. I might take them out one more time before I bed down for Breathless on PBS. I can't believe it will be over after only three episodes. They really have a lot of territory to cover for tonight's finale. See you tomorrow. xo

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Webster Has a Friend

We have Henry until Monday morning.
I had to put Henry in his crate when I went out to mow at noon. Webster stayed nearby to keep him company. I'm sure they both slept because they had already been on 3 walks. I finished all except the trimming which I'll do tomorrow. It was a perfect day--the long grass was nice and dry and it was fun riding around in different patterns. I'm tired but happy. It was a good day. xo

Friday, August 29, 2014

Have A Happy Weekend

Isn't this the happiest dog face ever?

I wonder what Webster would do at this pool party? I named him because of his webbed feet and I thought he would be a water dog, but he isn't. Doesn't this look like a fun pool party for these water lovers? via

Enjoy the long weekend. xo

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Noble War Hero Dog named Buster

Air Dog Buster, an English springer spaniel, recently retired from military duty with the RAF after serving in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Buster was a sniffer dog used to locate bombs, booby traps and other explosives planted for American and British troops. He now lives with his handler and is transitioning into civilian life. His biggest challenges? Learning to play with other dogs and sharing his toys. via

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Aiken SC Home - So Lovely !

Hitchcock Woods Residence. 
This red sandy dirt road brings back memories of my previous life in South Carolina.

Yes, please.
Have a great Sunday. Mine is off to a good start. I woke up early and finished a movie I started last night. Then it started raining. Then it stopped. Now the sun is out and I have blue skies and white clouds and glistening raindrops on the trees. Sounds perfect, doesn't it? xo

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dogs on Sofa - Ganging up against me!

This ad follows me whereever I go on the internet. I think I told you I had been spending countless hours searching for new seating furniture online. I think it's hilarious that they keep wanting me to click on sofas with dogs sitting on them. There is definitely a spy in my computer.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Black Dog Blends In

You have to look hard to see this black lab against the Black Aga Stove, don't you? What a cozy place for a dog bed when you aren't cooking. These two lucky dogs live in the English countryside. via Have a great weekend.
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Friday, February 21, 2014

Great Recessed Entrance

Isn't this the nicest recessed entrance ever? I copied the photo from Instagram. I follow this little dog's owner who is a farmer across the pond. Benjamin Hole documents the ebb and flow of farming life on the Isle of Purbeck, England. This new pup's name is Ochre. Watch her in this little video (click on white arrow). Don't forget to look at My Instagram too.
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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Webster wants to get in the act.

I was minding my own business having fun with my iPhone camera this morning. I have a pair of bronze dogs picked up at Brimfield years ago that I love. Keep an eye on the upper left hand corner of the table and you'll see a little brown fur in the third picture and then the photo bomber will appear.

Whatcha doin' up there?

Don't mind me.

I'll just wait here until it's time for our walk.

His wish was granted.
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dogs afraid to pass the cat.

Click here if you can't see video below.

We have the same problem here at the cottage but it has gotten slightly better over the years. Webster and Tabitha go out together first thing in the morning. Tabitha likes to go first and swat Webster when he scoots by. She used to hiss too but doesn't anymore. Actually, lately she's not even swatting. She usually comes back first to eat. Webster won't come in the house unless I stand in front of her, as the cat food dish is in the vestibule. I'm happy to see this problem exists in other households too. Poor dogs, they are so respectfully cautious of the cats they live with, letting them rule the roost. Webster too.
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Friday, December 13, 2013

Best Friends

OMG. I love these two. More photos here. If you are on Instagram and want to follow them, click here.
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