Saturday, February 4, 2023


FABLES Written & Illustrated by Arnold Lobel 1980
I found a great on-line biography of this author written by his daughter Adrianne Lobel with a delightful YouTube video about an unpublished work by her father that she illustrated and published. click link to read

text from the second photo
King Lion looked in the mirror. "What a beautiful and noble creature I am," he said. "I will go forth to show my devoted subjects that their leader is every inch a king!" The King put on his robes of state, his large jeweled crown, and all of his gold and silver medals. As he walked down the roads of his kingdom, everyone who saw him bowed to the ground. "Yes, yes," said King Lion, "I deserve this respect from my people, for truly I am every inch a king!" There was a tiny Beetle standing near the road. When the King saw him, he cried, "Beetle, I command you to bow low before me!" "Your Royal Majesty," said the Beetle, "I know that I am small, but if you look at me closely, you will see that I am making a bow." The King leaned over. "Beetle," he said, "you are so hard to see down there. I am still not sure that you are bowing." "Your Majesty, said the Beetle, "please look more closely. I assure you that I am indeed bowing." The King leaned over a little farther. Now the robes of state, the large jeweled crown, and all of the gold and silver medals had made King Lion very top-heavy. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell on his head. With a great roar, he rolled into a ditch at the side of the road. The frightened Beetle scurried away. From head to foot, every inch of King Lion was covered with wet mud. 
It is the high and mighty who have the longest distance to fall.

Have a great weekend.


Pam said...

Another fable with significant meaning. I really enjoyed watching the link to the interview with Adrianne Lobel. How wonderful that she has been able to continue his work.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I knew nothing about Arnold Lobel until I found his daughter's website and video. You were the one who made me did deeper and learn more about his life. I'm glad you enjoyed the daughter's video and biography of her dad. xo, Rosemary