Monday, October 11, 2021

Duck Family

Proud mama duck and her ducklings. via I hope they all grew up and flew away for migration season. Too tired after mowing to work on editing my promised living room photo. Will work on it tomorrow. I am almost ready to jump in bed to watch Call the Midwife and Grantchester on PBS Video. See you tomorrow. xo


Pam said...

Cute pic of momma and babies. I just realized we haven't had our usual wild ducks on the pond at the farm. Strange. Call the Midwife is one of my favorites!

Karen said...

I have cried and laughed through every episode of 'Call the Midwife' - and I adore Leonard on 'Grantchester' - he just can't be persecuted! I can hardly wait for next Sunday . . .the Brits do television with such flair and class!

Sherry said...

I love, Calling the Midwife. I never watched Grantchester, will have to give it go. We have had 12 geese on our pond most the year. They came in spring, raised their young and flew off. They come back a few days throughout the summer and just landed a few weeks ago for a week then moved on. Love to watch them.

Content in a Cottage said...

Karen (rabbit icon) I have watched every episode of both programs on PBS. They make Sunday viewing so special or in my case Monday streaming with the PBS Video App so pleasurable. I can't wait for the next episode of Grantchester either to see what happens with Leonard.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Sherry -- You have missed so much of Grantchester, I don't know if you can ever catch up but you can try. I think this is Season 6. Call the Midwife is one of my favorites too.

I found a link for to catch up on Grantchester:

Good luck, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I haven't seen the birds I usually have either. I hope you get another glimpse of your wild ducks on your pond sometime soon. Good to know you are also a fan of Call the Midwife.
xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

This is just too sweet! There is nothing cuter than baby ducks with their mom. Thanks so much for this precious post, Rosemary.