Friday, December 25, 2020

Gorgeous Holiday Wreath

This is absolutely one of the most gorgeous Holiday wreaths I have ever seen. I would leave it on my door until spring. via Denise mentioned a DIY video on YouTube for a similar wreath. Thanks, Denise!


Gail, northern California said...

I have to agree, absolutely stunning. I, too, would leave it on my front door 'til spring. I'll bet it smells heavenly too.

Jenny Mein said...

Beautiful indeed!!!

Pam said...

Beautiful...I can almost smell the citrus and cinnamon

Jd said...

I think I recognize that wreath! I follow Garden Answer on YouTube. Laura hung this wreath on her chicken coop! Laura and her husband Aaron are very talented, welcoming and productive. Happy Holidays! Denise

Linda Sand said...

Will it keep that long? I'd keep an eye on it for rot.

Dana said...

This is so lovely- and I imagine very fragrant as well. I’m definitely trying this. Thanks for posting and happy holidays!

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda Sand -- I suppose you'd have to keep an eye out for spoilage with the orange slices but you could easily pull those out. I think everything would be okay in the cold weather though.
xo, Rosemary