Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Artichokes at My Cottage

I purchased the three artichoke finials at a thrift shop in February before the stay at home mandate. I knew immediately they would be perfect in my garden. I even went out and purchased artiichoke seeds that are still in their packet while I plan my garden in my head. I got the book on Irish Georgian architecture at a used book shop and it's wonderful. I left the finials at the desk of the small thrift store and every single person who went to check out wanted them too. Nobody knew exactly what they were so I stood my ground when asked if I still wanted them. Of course I did. Pineapple finials are rather common, but artichoke finials are rare! 

Here is my seed packet. I really should have started my seeds indoors but it's almost time to plant them outdoors, so I shall wait. Stay safe while sheltering in place. xo


Catherine said...

I love your finals, what a great find for your garden. It is artichoke season. Yesterday I bought two enormous, fist tight, ball shaped ones at Whole Foods. I can't wait for dinner tonight! ;-)

Sherry B said...

I love your finials and can't wait to see their use in the garden. I have never planted artichokes before, but may have to try them now. I have two similar decorative pieces, but have always thought they were acanthus in design. I will have to look up the comparisons. Thank you for you posts and beautiful photos.

Anita ~ the cabin on the creek said...

The artichoke finials are fantastic...such a great find! They are the perfect garden accent. And the book on Irish Georgian architecture looks like a treat for the eye. I have never heard that term before. Enjoy your treasures!

...all is grace!

Gail, northern California said...

Years ago I had to have some curtains custom-made because the window in the guest room was so large. The simple white eyelet material I selected was the weight of a ladies' handkerchief but, still, it was quite an expanse to cover. The wonderful lady who sewed the curtains suggested a wooden dowel to serve as the curtain rod. I never knew where she found the beautiful wooden artichoke finials, but she painted them gold and screwed them into the ends of the dowel after the curtains were up. It was stunning. Thanks for bringing back a lovely memory.

Penelope Bianchi said...

You have the very best eye! Lovely artichoke finials.....what great thrift stores near you! We have great ones too! Can't wait to see what you do with them in the garden!

Pam said...

What a find! Those artichoke finials will add much to your garden. I actually think artichokes might do better being sown directly into your garden. We've had so much rain, and every time I check on my garden, it's still too wet to plant. I am thankful that my strawberry plants and asparagus are faring well, though. What a blessing it is to be able to garden during this time!

Content in a Cottage said...

Gail, northern California -- Gail, Thanks for sharing your lovely memory. White eyelet, organdy, and dotted swiss are all fabrics that remind me of my childhood. Your curtains sound divine and I'm sure they were and the artichoke finials must have really set them off.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Penelope Bianchi -- Penelope, Thank you. You must find delightful things in your area too. I can usually find small treasures among the junk and I know you can too.
xo, Rosemary