Sunday, May 7, 2017

Small Sophistication Churchill Cottage, Birmingham MI

This small home is absolutely gorgeous.
Agreed? I love it too!
I have not been able to find interior pics but found more of the outside here.


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Agreed! It's positively darling. Enjoy your Sunday.

Sunny said...

But I want to see inside!!

Content in a Cottage said...

Sunny -- I could not find interior photos but I found more of the exterior. Now I love it even more.
xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

It's beautiful, Rosemary, but Michigan is too cold for me - I'm sorry, I'm a spoiled Californian.

itztru said...

Birmingham is lovely...I have fond memories of visiting a friend there.

Unknown said...

This is "dream home" material! Wow!

The Queen Vee said...

Beautifully the dormers and double chimneys. It looks like a newer built home, they got everything right.

Content in a Cottage said...

The Queen Vee -- Victoria, Yes. It's new construction. I couldn't agree more -- they got everything right!
xo, Rosemary

Meghan said...

Beautiful, but I don't think this is a small home.

Content in a Cottage said...

Meghan -- You are probably right. There is a large addition in the back with two chimneys, one on either side. It's larger than it looks. I would be happy with the front part without the addition. xo, Rosemary