Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sherlock on PBS

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm very excited that Sherlock will be following Downton Abbey in January. I've watched Season I and will watch the final episode of Season II tonight.
Have you seen it? It's a wonderful series. I don't know why I didn't watch it the first time around but I can't wait for Season III.

I'm posting the free links I used to watch the series below the photo in case you want to catch up too. I tried watching on my laptop but the annoying ads kept playing out loud while the program was running several times. SO, I emailed the links to myself and watched on my iPad. Problem solved. Full screen viewing is recommended. I LOVE this series!!!

Sherlock, Season Two, Episode 1 - A Scandal in Belgravia

Sherlock, Season Two, Episode 2 - The Hounds of Baskerville

Sherlock, Season Two, Episode 3 - The Reichenbach Fall


I'm gonna tell Mom! said...

It is also available for "frre" if you are an Amazon Prime member! My daughter got me hooked on Sherlock this summer.

Content in a Cottage said...

Mom! -- I know, but I don't subscribe to any streaming services yet. When I do, I'll probably pick NetFlix. I recently cut back my cable services and now all I get is basic HD, high speed internet, and phone. It's still expensive but I did lower my bill by $50.00 and that makes me happy. I really don't miss any of the channels I no longer get. I mostly watch PBS and network shows. If you are diligent, you can always find something to watch.
Thanks for the tip. xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Sherlock got by you as I am now hooked on several shows, i.e. Endeavour, Doc Martin, because of your recommendations! :D Not to mention the segue into Lewis and Morse... ! Love Sherlock and have been waiting to see the new season for a few months now. You can google some interviews with Benedict Cumberbatch if you need something to tide you over. He's a cutie! Thanks for the links to so many great shows! kelly

Anonymous said...

I love it, too, although I really have to pay attention to keep up with the dialogue. I particularly like Martin Freeman and his impeccable timing and subtly. I've been rewatching The Duchess of Duke Street. It's been so long since it was on tv that I'd forgotten all but the name of the show. It's really a very enjoyable series, but it's striking how much more sophisticated Masterpiece is today than it was 30 some years ago. The story line in Duchess is great, but the acting is more what we'd think of as stage quality. A bit corny and over the top. That's why I enjoy Martin Freeman's (and Michael Kitchen's for that matter) subtle, understated approach to acting. Having Benedict be a bit over the top is highly appropriate for his role as Sherlock, though.

Content in a Cottage said...

I adore Martin Freeman too and I think his many ways of showing frustration are marvelous. I think the reason I didn't get hooked the first time around was because of Benedict Cumberbatch. He has to grow on you. I have seen him in other things now (Parade's End) and can appreciate him. I'll be watching the final episode of Season 2 shortly. Can't wait. Sunday nights are going to be such a treat in January!!!

cath carbone said...


Patsy said...

How did he survive that fall! Can't wait to find out!

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

I can't wait for the next season too. I love how they are filmed and the witty asides.

Karen said...

Mr. B. is a Sherlock enthusiast from the first PBS series and movies to this series. We both love the actors in this series.
We are looking for ways to cut our cable bill as well. We have Netflix streaming and have loved it so it might be a good time to cut back on the other "bundles" the cable company insists we will miss.

Content in a Cottage said...

Karen....My two year contract with Verizon FiOS had long since expired and my cable bill kept creeping up month by month until it got to almost $180. YIKES. I called and told them to pull the plug on everything but high speed internet. That got their attention. I finally got something that is only a little better for $50 less per month and a new 2 year contract. I got the minimum HD package and have everything I watched before and the only thing that's not there is Ovation and I can live without that. I was tempted to put an outside HD antenna on my roof but decided against it. I am pretty good at finding free access when others can't as you can see from my Sherlock links. If you have Netflix, you don't really need anything else except regular network TV.
Check out YIDIO
It's a free service that allows you to see what's available from all the streaming services as well as the free services all in one place. TV and movies too. I have the app on my iPhone and my iPad. I check often from the website on my laptop. I can always find something to watch.
Good luck. xo, Rosemary