Thursday, September 12, 2013

Double Decker Sun Porches

What a great setting. The landscaping is beautiful and there's so little grass to mow. I love the stacked sun porches too. Two thumbs up! via


Judy in SC said...

Love everything about this!

Anonymous said...

Love this! I have filled many of my beds in with ground cover in the last 3 or 4 years. Makes everything so much greener when the lawn is browning up. Sara

Anonymous said...

It is perfect! I love it all. I wonder what those 'dots' are on the roof?

Nancy said...

No grass to mow but weeds to pull? And ground cover can get overgrown and ugly. Bottom line, it's all work!

Content in a Cottage said...

Those dots are some sort of roof snow birds to keep the snow from sliding off and doing damage to people and things below.

Content in a Cottage said...

Agreed. It's all work. Finding the perfect ground cover is quite a challenge. I've had pachysandra at previous homes and it required pruning and thinning.

cath carbone said...

je découvre ton blog qui est très intéressant, j'aime tes posts! je reviendrai te rendre visite avec plaisir!
Bonne journée, à bientôt- Cath.
N'hésite pas à venir sur le mon blog:

cardinalkay said...

All that groundcover is certainly easy on the eyes.
Our next house's yard is very shady, so I'm already landscaping it in my head.
Nice inspiration photo!