Thursday, May 9, 2024

Three Indoor Painted Tin Planters Thrifted for My Cottage

Painted and decorated tin planter #1 sits on top of my tin box on stand looking out my living room window. Could the fit be more perfect? I had to bring geraniums indoors again so I could enjoy the planter box right away. All of my blooming geraniums have been planted in outside urns and they look stunning.

Here's #2 (one of a pair). This one is residing on the left side of my sofa flanking my French doors that look out on my rear yard.

The mate #3 is on the right side of the sofa. All three are very French and two are pretty fancy but I think they look nice in my cottage and they cover my clay pots for a new look. They have liners so they won't leak water on the furniture. I filled them with gravel to elevate the pots.

Now you can see the whole arrangement in one photo. I hadn't planned on having any plants inside but then what would I have done with the planters? I couldn't possibly wait until cold weather! My new real estate office is near my favorite charity shop and we have office meetings every 2 weeks. I'm thrilled because it used to be a special trip to shop there and now I can go twice a month. 

Now that my geraniums are all planted in their summer homes I can concentrate on cutting my grass. I did part of the back but the front looks like a jungle. I have this problem every year. I should have started earlier but I didn't. But it always gets done eventually. I will post outside photos of the blooming geraniums soon. xo


Content in a Cottage said...

UPDATE: New post with thrifting finds up and running. 5/9/24 around noon time. xo, Rosemary

JudyMac said...

Rosemary, you certainly have a great hand with geraniums; I don’t have. I think I have finished planting my outdoor pots and now all I have to do is water over the summer. I really can’t stand the heat any more. Next year, if I want my patio to look nice (even though I spend little time there), I’ll look for extra help. So far, we are having enough good rain, but I’m afraid it’s going to be a very hot summer. J

Pam said...

More great finds! Your new planters are so attractive and fit your home perfectly. I'm happy for you. And I know you're going to find more treasures if you're shopping more often. It's always fun to see what you've found.

Maybe we can all get our lawns mowed soon. We've had lots of rain and need a couple of sunny days to dry out. Have a good weekend, Rosemary!

Content in a Cottage said...

JudyMac -- I had all of my geraniums on my balcony last year and they hated it. It was too hot for them. This year they are all in the front that gets the late afternoon sun. They are already happier than I've ever seen them this early in the year. We are having very confusing weather with temps almost 90 degrees one day and cold days in the 60s. I could turn on my heat today but probably won't. I haven't decided what to do with my balcon this year. The maple trees are still shedding those annoying helicopter seeds and I'm waiting until they stop before I give it a good clean. You should definitely treat yourself to a helper every now and then. I know what you mean about not spending time out there because of the heat. I try to stay out of the sun and work in the shade as much as I can. I found a Face Moisturizer with Broad Spectrum SPF 40 at Walmart after looking everywhere -- OLAY COMPLETE -- in a large squeeze bottle with 6 ounces $19.00. I bought two bottles. CVS has it but it's only SPF 15 and that's not enough for my fair skin. I hope your summer is cooler than you are expecting. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I am enjoying a rainy Friday on the cool side but I have plenty to do indoors. The whole upcoming week is going to be on the chilly side with off and on rain. May showers for sure! I'm glad you enjoy my thrifting finds! I'll try to keep them coming. I actually have some catching up to do in that department and will share in the next few days. Happy Weekend to you too.
xo, Rosemary

Karen said...

Oh my . . . .SO WELL DONE!! You have the knack - that's for sure:) Isn't thrifting MUCH more fun than buying full price in a retail setting? I've thrifted my entire life - so it's second nature. My Mom was excellent at it - and what she didn't find second hand for clothes - she sewed up gorgeous dresses for my sister and I. I feel SO lucky to have had that upbringing . . .ENJOY you new finds - and thanks SO much for sharing:) xoxoKaren

Content in a Cottage said...

Karen -- I started thrifting in college. Before that I made all of my own clothes in high school. My mother sewed too. I started using the sewing machine when I was in grammar school and my mother always helped me when I needed it. I always went with her when she went shopping but we mostly bought patterns and fabric. Now I don't sew much -- just alter and mend. I love looking for and buying vintage things to wear. I'm glad you like my planters. I am thrilled with them. xo, Rosemary

Guestie said...

Charming ... you can never have too much toleware.

Cozy yet sophisticated.

~ Guestie

Content in a Cottage said...

Guestie -- Thanks for stopping by. You are SO right. I don't have very much toleware so I literally POUNCED on these three offerings on the porch of the charity shop. I had to move several geraniums back indoors so I could start using them right away. The three "finds" look as if they have been here forever too so they feel right at home. Happy Gardening. I'm off to buy grass seed today. xo, Rosemary