This nest with two unhatched eggs was inside one of my Williamsburg Pottery Bird Bottles that I recently took down and cleaned out prior to having my cottage painted. It's like a little work of art, isn't it? I don't know why this nest was abandoned before the eggs hatched. The tiny birds used it constantly over the summer.
This photo is from Colonial Williamsburg where these bird bottles are still being sold. Order here. The house wrens love them. I put two on the front of my house on either end under the eaves. I still have one to hang on the back of the house near my bedroom window so I can wake up to their delightful singing from early spring and all summer long. Listen to them sing here. They raise multiple families and the parents are tireless workers. They love to perch on the wisteria and sing their little hearts out as they dart in and out of the bottle looking for insects to feed their young.
Gosh I just love your site. Love it! I just ordered two of the bird bottles- and there is a promo going on today- 20% off all orders plus free shipping until midnight tonight. These are gifts for my mom and my husband for Christmas- thanks for the nudge. Love these! Thanks for your blog! Lynda
LyndaFitz....I didn't realize the 20% off was for today only. I just ordered some for Christmas gifts. You'll be happy you did too, especially next summer. They are great house decorations.
... lovely post ... nothing better than closing your eyes to a "bird" symphony ... cheers
Thanks for the tip! Just ordered two for people who are always tough when it's time to come up with gift ideas. These are perfect.
What a treasure. A little sad that the mommy bird had an issue with the nest/eggs, but maybe something happened to her before she could return to sit on her eggs. I've never heard of a bird bottle. We had a decorative bird house on a post in our yard and had a wren family raise their babies in it. So much fun.
Ordered one! Thanks so much.
WAIT!! Good news from here! I think that may have been a "Bewick's Wren!!" She looks just like my little one! The nest looks exactly the same! This couple made nest in my straw purse last year! They were back and made another nest in the basket under the table...this year; early spring; then, lucky me, back again in my straw purse again! The babies fledged yesterday! I think it is a Bewick's wren you have! Doing a blog post!!
Aren't we soon lucky!!?
We have had a "Bewick's Wren" now two years and three nests in a row!
None of these small birds EVER reuse their nests....
so clean them out when the babies have fledged (flown)! Clean out nest boxes and bottles! Right away when they are vacated! If you don't it denies them another appropriate nest location!
Wait till se you my next post! Second nest this season! "Work of art? YES!!! "
....then you will have these birds making nests!!!!
I'm glad you posted the link because I missed seeing this when originally posted. It is a very sweet and pretty nest.
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