Sunday, February 26, 2012

Laundry Day Upstairs

I have looked and looked at this photo and I cannot figure out how they got the clothes on the line. I don't see a pulley system; just stretched lines. It looks all but impossible to me. I have a couple of loads of wash I hope to be able to hang outside tomorrow. We have a cloudless sky today so I think I'll be okay.


Anonymous said...

I think the laundry line is tied in a circle. Put a piece of laundry on the bottom line next to you and then pull the top line toward you making room on the bottom line for the next piece . Continue until bottom line is full. I don't know how they got the circle on the poles.

jean said...

They are hard to detect, but I blew the photo up on my computer enough to notice that there seem to be cables behind the laundry and hanging from the poles. Not real sure, though. In any case, I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to hang out the window to hang laundry.

dumbsaint said...

I'm looking and looking and I can't figure it out either!

Rebecca said...

When we were first married I had a clothes line. I always hung the undies on the inside so no one could see them. Hanging them on the outside of a building would have embarrassed me greatly.
Wonderful photo.

The Queen Vee said...

It's a mystery although some of the above commenters may have solved it. It looks lovely against the pink of the building though.

Lorie said...

Oh! This takes me back to our trio to Italy last summer. Sights like this were seen everywhere. Lovely!