Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Waste Not! Want Not!

I always save empty glass cosmetic jars for buttons and small notions in my sewing room. I was amazed that I could almost completely fill this one with the unreachable product in the bottom of my lotion bottle. I used a box cutter this time to cut the bottle and it worked perfectly. I have to say I was really amazed there was this much lotion left. I usually drain the almost empty bottle upside down on top of a full bottle. Most people just give up and look how much they are throwing away😱. Yes, it's shocking.

I finished my taxes and it feels good. I have caught up on my sleep after Daylight Saving Time went into effect on Sunday. I am doing a little Spring Cleaning each day and the weather has been very nice! See you again soon. xo


Content in a Cottage said...

New Post up and running 31324 4:00pm.
xo, Rosemary

Tasha T said...

Well done for 'scraping the bottom of the barrel', Rosemary! We should all try to use the last drop. And it's surprising how much more toothpaste can be squeezed out of a tube which seems empty, and rinsing out shampoo and conditioner bottles gives a few more washes.
Happy spring cleaning!

Pam said...

That's a great idea--saving glass containers. It's hard to believe how much you were able to salvage from the Lubriderm. I had some Clinique hand cream that I wasn't able to access, so I cut the plastic tube and finished it. I think I used lotion from that little tube for several weeks.

Congratulations on getting your taxes done. What a relief! We're supposed to go pick ours up tomorrow.

It's always good to see you pop up in my e-mails, Rosemary. Take care!

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- Thanks for more tips on saving our packaging contents "to the last drop". I liked your comment about "scraping the bottom of the barrel" too! Enjoy everything about spring. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I once bought an entire sewing kit from an estate sale and it was full of little glass jars with treasures inside. That's where I got the idea for saving little jars myself. I shall try harder to pop up in your emails more often. xo, Rosemary

Kelley said...

I love this idea... thank you for sharing it! I don't have used glass cosmetic jars, but I see new ones are available on Amazon, offered in many sizes. Can you tell me how many ounces can be held in the jar you show in your photo? Kelley

Content in a Cottage said...

Kelley -- I have no idea how many ounces are in my own jar as all the labels have been removed. You would probably be safe with 4 ounces. The useable inside dimensions of my jar are
2-1/4" bottom diameter and 1-3/8" tall. I held my jar against a pyrex one cup measuring cup and it almost lines up with 1/2 cup and that is 4 ounces. Good luck. xo, Rosemary

Heather Spiva said...

This is genius. Thanks for sharing! Love your blog.

Admin said...

Love this! My husband did the same thing a few months ago. But he put the remaining lotion in a plastic bag and cut a tiny corner for a squeeze tip. Great minds think alike!

Content in a Cottage said...

Heather Spiva -- Thank you. I can't help myself. I want to get every drop of lotion I can and I'm still using the jarful I salvaged. So glad you like my blog. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Vicki Arkens. Your husband found another way and I like it. Martha Stewart uses that bag method for piping icing on cookies and cakes. Great idea. Yes, great minds think alike.
xo, Rosemary