Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March Lamb + Bathroom Repair DIY

March is coming in like a lamb at my house with a whole week of unremarkable weather. That means it will go out like a Lion!

I have been busy with a DIY repair in my bathroom that took the better part of Monday but ended successfully. I kept the original fixtures in my first floor bath, the corner tub and the American Standard toilet. I have never had a problem with my Kohler tub from the late 1930s but I have a problem with the other fixture on a regular basis. It's always the same thing. The tank ball. The rod gets bent, stuck, or something similar. This time another piece broke that guides the bulb's rod to the proper flushing place. I got a replacement ball at the hardware store and it was a perfect fit. Now to make it go up and down and stop in the proper slot without the broken guide. I finally got it to work perfectly without calling a plumber. It only set me back $4.25 and a chain I already had. The secret was to keep cutting the last bead at the end of the chain until there was no slack since the rod wasn't quite long enough. Success!!! I'm so happy I never give up.

This photo shows the work in progress.
There is another tool box involved that isn't in this photo.


JudyMac said...

Yea!!! You’re a real handywoman, Rosemary!

Content in a Cottage said...

JudyMac -- Judy, I just posted a photo of the messy workplace while doing the repair. I tried so many things like bending copper wires, using paper clips, s-hooks, long safety pins and more before the chain adjustment worked. Where there's a will, there's a way. xo, Rosemary

Mama Pea said...

Way to go, Wonder Woman! My daughter is like you in that she will look at a problem or project and be able to figure out a way to fix it herself. Often hubby and I will be perplexed to find a solution in a difficult situation but after asking her take on it will quickly see how her solution is the way to go. Your own ability to "never give up" is a trait that all of us can try to emulate. Strong (Stubborn? Or maybe tenacious is a better word!) women are the way to go! :o)

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- I'm glad to hear you and your husband raised your daughter to be self sufficient. She must enjoy "finding a way" and so do I. For some reason, I don't get discouraged when my brain is engaged like a Rube Goldberg cartoon. Sometimes my simple solutions are arrived at in a convoluted way but that's okay with me. My mother once painted a two story stairwell and ceiling in her condo by duct taping a paint roller to a golf club when she was in her 70s. So I had a great teacher♡ xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

I'm gobsmacked! you're my idea of Wonder Woman.
you never give up. that's the old Yankee ingenuity my Gram had too. today is her birthday. she would be 125 years old! and I'm still remembering all her little sayings about life.
the picture of the lamb is precious. Calm. and so sweet. XO

Content in a Cottage said...

tammy j -- Tam, Being handy is a blessing. So many trades people have a minimum charge before they even get out of their trucks. I don't have a choice with electrical repairs but this event in the toilet tank was something I knew I could fix and I did. You were lucky to have a Gram to fill your head with sayings about life. Happy Birthday to her memory. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

Hats off to you, Rosemary. I am so impressed with your courage to tackle plumbing problems. How wonderful to be that self sufficient, not to mention the money you've saved yourself over the years.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I'm no good with leaky faucets but toilet tanks don't scare me. I like to know how things work around the house so I can trouble shoot before there's an emergency. Thanks for the pat on the back. xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

I think you are an engineer at heart.

Lisa D. said...

I admire your perseverance, and your patience, Rosemary. (I just love the sweet little lamb.)

Content in a Cottage said...

Eileen in Fla. -- Maybe so. I do enjoy figuring out how things work and fixing them when they break. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- Thank you, Lisa. I'm glad I have both too. They serve me well. I've always loved lambs too. xo, Rosemary