Wednesday, March 2, 2022

First You Chop an Onion

This system never fails me. I made the most delicious pot of soup yesterday. I always roughly chop a big onion and see where it takes me. Then I chopped two stalks of celery, half a red bell pepper, peeled and diced a sweet potato, and sautéed these items in avocado oil in my heavy soup pot.  While that was going on, I dumped a large can of whole peeled tomatoes in juice into a mixing bowl. I roughly chopped the tomatoes into chunks using kitchen shears. Yes, I actually picked up each whole tomato and cut it into chunks with scissors! I had been stirring the veggies too. When I finished the tomatoes, I added them to the pot plus a can or two of water. When that came to a boil. I added 1/2 a bag of frozen cut okra. I love okra in vegetable soup but I don't always have it on hand. The last batch I made didn't have it and it was good too. I added two bouillon cubes and a generous amount of Worcester Sauce and sprinkled a lot of Goya All Purpose Seasoning on top. I filled with water almost to the top and brought it up to a boil. Then I put a lid on top and simmered it for a while until the sweet potatoes were done. I sat down with a big bowl and went back for seconds for my dinner last night. I will have it for lunch today and dinner too. You can use any vegetables you want. And keep adding more when the volume goes down after a few meals. I might add a big white potato cut into chunks tomorrow. I have frozen peas and frozen corn I could add also but for now I love the current mix of veggies I used yesterday. Are you a soup lover too. I usually have to add a little salt to each bowl to get it seasoned perfectly for my taste. 

I heated it up this morning.
I got this small Le Creuset Dutch Oven at a garage sale long ago for almost no money. It was missing its lid and needed a good scrubbing. I thought I had a glass lid at home that might fit and I did! This is my GO TO soup pot.

Now I can't wait until lunch!
I shouldn't have heated it up so early.
The house smells delicious.


Mama Pea said...

Yes, my husband and I are both soup lovers. A week or so ago, I asked him if he would mind if I served soup for dinner (I had a variety frozen in quart containers in the freezer) every night for a while because it would really give me free time if I didn't have to prepare a meal every day. (You know, meat and potatoes or a casserole, etc.) He was more than willing so that's what I've been doing and can't quite believe how convenient it's been for the cook (me!) and nutritious and delicious, too. Your "peel an onion" soup sounds much like some I make. Yum!

Anonymous said...

O Lordy YUM! I think I can smell it from here!
I do something similar and it usually feeds me for Days.
I call it my kitchen sink soup. (everything in it but the kitchen sink!) I LOVE a good soup. XO

Anita ~ the cabin on the creek said...

I prefer soup to almost any other meal during cold weather. Several weeks ago I made a similar sounding soup but it had lots of chopped cabbage in it. I ate it for a couple of days, then froze the remainder, but i've gone through all of it now. I also used chicken bone broth for the base. Yours sounds fabulous & looks it too.

...all is grace!

Susan said...

This sounds great! I also love soup and just now I am making a potato, leek, celery soup and home croutons. Your method sounds like fun to me!

Guestie said...

Looks wonderful.

I also noticed some Revereware on your stovetop.

Any tips for keeping it so shiny???

I have collected mine since 1973, when I had a bun in the oven.


Guestie in Charlottesville

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- I can't imagine anything better than homemade soup for supper every night. And a variety to boot. I never have any left to freeze. I eat mine until it's all gone. To me, soup is the perfect meal. Your husband is lucky to have you! Cooking the way you do it really is a lot of work. Glad you got a much-need break! xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

tammy j -- Tam, Your kitchen sink soup sounds really good. That's my favorite kind too. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Anita ~ the cabin on the creek -- Your soup with the chopped cabbage and the chicken bone broth as the stock sounds delicious. YES, soup is the perfect meal in cold weather. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Susan -- My mouth is watering over your potato, leek, celery soup and homemade croutons! Maybe that will be my next pot! Thanks for the idea. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Unknown -- Guestie in Charlottesville -- All of my pots and pans are vintage Revere Ware. I don't polish mine very often but when I do I use BAR KEEPERS FRIEND. It's wonderful on the copper bottoms too. Happy polishing. xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Your vegetable soup reminds me of a story my Mother would tell about the Depression. They lived in an old house converted into apartments. An elderly neighbor fell on hard times and my Mother would make soup to share with her. Macaroni was included in the recipe. The elderly lady said every time she heated up the soup the pasta would expand and she never ran out of soup. Mom loved that.

Pam said...

We love soup, too! You just can't beat it, especially during the winter. A bowl of soup, some bread, and you've got a great meal!

Content in a Cottage said...

Eileen in Fla. -- Eileen, I love that story. My grandmother and I used to sit on her back steps shelling peas or stringing beans together and she would tell me stories about the hard times during the depression. Thank you for sharing your mother's kindness. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- A hearty soup is a meal in a bowl. Winter will soon be over but cold soups are coming for hot summer days. xo, Rosemary

Unknown said...

Your description of this soup made me HAVE to try it. It's great and I've already made it twice. Worcestershire sauce is hard to find where I live (I'm an American living abroad) and I literally went to 12 different stores until I finally found some. After all that effort I bought two bottles. Thank you for sharing the recipe for your delicious soup!