Thursday, January 20, 2022

Today's Snowfall at My Cottage

All of the previous snow melted completely yesterday and I went to the grocery store for the first time in 2022. It rained overnight and turned to snow at dawn. It stopped around 11:00 and I cleaned everything in a jiffy. I walked around outside taking photos and this is the only one I really liked enough to share. So far, so good this winter as far as I am concerned. If I don't have to call anybody with a snowplow, it's a good day for me. I made a big pot of soup yesterday so I am all set for several days of not having to cook. Happy Thursday. xo


Pam said...

That's a great picture of your place, Rosemary. Glad to hear you didn't get hammered with snow and ice. A little snow here and there is almost a pleasure.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I know what you mean. A little snow to cover the countryside is a delight. They melt quickly and go away until the next one. It's good to have a breather between storms. xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

that picture is perfect to my mind! its light and shadows give it a lovely wintertime glow.
and You have the composition skills of an artist. it's just beautiful. have a wonderful cozy weekend! XO

Admin said...

Dear Rosemary, I agree with Tammy about the light and shadows. That stood out to me as well. Beautiful photo!

Content in a Cottage said...

Vicki Arkens -- Thanks. I was lucky the sun came out at the perfect time. All of my other photos were under an overcast sky. The shadows make all the difference. xo, Rosemary