Friday, December 31, 2021

My New Year's Eve

A friend sent this to me and I love it. xo


Dana said...

Haha- my sentiments exactly. Happy New Year! Just want to say I very much appreciate your blog and all your wonderful movie / show recommendations and recipes. Wishing you a happy healthy 2022!

Content in a Cottage said...

Dana -- Thank you for your kind words about my daily blog posts. I really enjoy sharing the things I run across and like. Wishing you health and happiness in 2022 t00. xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

I'm planning to; (1) take a bath, (2) put on the scrumptious terry cloth spa robe I bought for myself for Christmas, (3)open a bottle of champagne, (4) steam some clams for dinner, along with a green salad made with Little Gems lettuces, (my favorite), (5) light a fire in the fireplace, and if I can, find a good movie. If you have any movie/tv show suggestions, I'm listening.

Have a very Happy New Year, Rosemary, and thank you for all of your wonderful posts.

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. Your New Year's Eve plans sound delightful. I would say you should watch Downton Abbey Movie if you taped it. Maybe that movie with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz The Holiday about trading houses for Christmas. Happy New Year! xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Love it! Although, I am pretty sure about what I'm wearing to the living room this New Year's Eve. Pretty sure.

Mama Pea said...

It's much too cold to go out tonight . . . 6° at 4:30 . . . and forecast to go much lower so it's a cozy evening for hubby, daughter and me. We'll all be in comfortable clothes, I have a big Macaroni and Cheese casserole in the oven, I'll make a tossed salad and a board game or two will probably be played with a small amount of alcoholic libation after dinner. Happy New Year to you, Rosemary. I always look forward to your posts and will definitely do so in the coming year.

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda Sand -- You are too funny. Enjoy your New Year's Eve and Best Wishes for a New Year filled with happiness and good health. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- Goodness gracious! That is really cold weather you are having. I am totally spoiled with the mild winter so far in New Jersey. I think your plans for the evening sound delicious, cozy and fun. Enjoy it and the weekend. Best wishes to you, your husband, and daughter for a Happy New Year. a bountiful garden, and good health. Your health is your wealth. xo, Rosemary

Mom said...

Yep, this is me for sure. With windchill it is 8 degrees. Love this post, as always.
Happy New Year Rosemary!

Anonymous said...

I cozied in my living room and watched a Thin Man marathon on TCM. I did a lot of 'grazing.' I've always loved New Years! there's nothing like a fresh new slate. I just LOVE your blog Rosemary. I have for years. your style and your taste in everything in LIFE is just wonderful! thank you for being You!

Noelle said...

Happy New Year Rosemary! That was funny. Thanks for your posts and look forward to them in 2022.