Saturday, March 28, 2020

Good Saturday Morning

Monster bird? No, just a mom carrying her chicks under her wings. This is a JACANA, a tropical wading bird found all over the world. 

It took me a while to get this.
This little piggy stayed home 🐖🏠☺

TP cake. Looks pretty real, doesn't it?

A beautiful study in black and white.

Cat unaware. Wonder what happened when she woke up? People are dreaming up so many ways to entertain themselves while in self-quarantine.

I am still fine and hope you are too. Have a great weekend. All of the photos above were saved on my phone while reading various emails. Most are from Tumblr. 


Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your collections of photos. Thanks for sharing them.

Pam said...

Wonderful photos, Rosemary! I had to smile at the cat covered with Cheezits. So cute. Life certainly has changed, and I'm probably spending too much time watching the news. This morning, I decided to go outside to weed our small garden. It's not perfect, but it's better than it was. We took a nice walk this afternoon and the young neighbor boys saw us and rode their bikes over to visit. We kept our distance, but it was absolutely delightful to see them and hear their stories.

Lisa D. said...

Great pics - all of them! The toilet paper cake made me laugh out loud.

Penelope Bianchi said...

Thank you for sharing fun! I am about to post the fun around here!
We have to keep having FUN!!!

It is possible!!!

The Queen Vee said...

I agree with Penelope, we can still laugh and find humor every day and also so much to be grateful for.

Sorry I have been absent the past few weeks, just busy trying to keep my guy fed and entertained. He's a bit confused by all of this self isolation and misses his routine of gym and buying a sandwich every other day. I had to get 3 months of prescriptions for both of us and that involved several trips to our doctor and pharmacy.

The cheese crackers on the cat would never work with a dog.