Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Washing Dishes: Jessie Willcox Smith

Thank God for dirty dishes;
they have a tale to tell.
While other folks go hungry,
we're eating pretty well.
With home and health and happiness,
we shouldn't want to fuss;
For by this stack of evidence,
God's very good to us.

~ Anonymous

I found this image and poem while searching on Pinterest. I love the beautiful blue and white Canton that this little girl is washing. Just look at the wear on the bottom. Maybe it wasn't valuable back in 1925 but now it's prized. I have quite a few pieces in my corner cupboard.

JWS is one of my favorite illustrators from the first quarter of the 20th century and this image is new to me. This little girl doesn't even have a step stool but has to balance precariously on a little ladder in old blue paint. I've been doing a lot of this lately but on a larger ladder, both outside and inside, dealing with my windows.

I have been a little distracted lately, since Sunday afternoon. I opened my car door for an errand and the car alarm started going off and I could not start my car. It completely shut down because it thought I was trying to steal it. I am still trying to figure out what to do. I stopped using my clicker about 10 years ago and never replaced it when the battery died. I have been using my key ever since. I am depending on friends for rides and will decide today what I should do. Will keep you posted. xo


Mama Pea said...

Washing dishes is my very un-favorite-ist job! But at least I'm wise enough to utter the thoughts in my head of the sentiments expressed in that little poem by Anonymous!

Eeek, so sorry for the trouble you've been having with your car! (We are so dependent on them, that's for sure.) Do you have a mechanic you always go to? Perhaps a call to him would solve the problem in that he could prescribe a quick solution??

Beth said...

What kind of car do you have? Is it a GM product?

I have a Chevy with a ridiculous "safety"/anti-theft "feature" called PassLock. Sometimes, after running a few errands, I hop back in, hit the key, and my car just won't start. Neat!

I've since learned how to override it but it's a common issue, it seems.

I haven't had the alarm issue before but have you tried starting the car? It may be just fine now. I once left my car somewhere and arranged to have it towed to my mechanic the next day. The next day, I went to my car, tried it, and it turned right over. Called the tow-truck guy to cancel.

I know it's a weird feeling to take the car somewhere if you feel like you might not be able to get home but if indeed it's a GM, what I do is turn the key to the On position, the little message window flashes amber / Security alternating with a red / battery message. Sit like that for 10 minutes. Then turn the key off for 20 seconds. Then try to start the car. Should start right up.

Content in a Cottage said...

Beth -- I have a 2002 Chevy Suburban that I love and it went away on a flatbed tow truck this morning to s nearby GMC dealership. My clicker hasn't worked in over 10 years and the dealer thought it might even be the battery that had run down because the security system was draining it with the red flashing light inside. I am getting a new clicker and am confident the nice repair person I spoke with can help me. None of my local mechanics knew what to do. I will keep your instructions for the future and thank you for posting them.

I consider myself very fortunate that it happened in my driveway. AAA tow truck man was wonderful too. There are truly some very nice people in the car repair world. Will keep you posted when car is out of the shop.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- I called all four of the mechanics who know me and they were all afraid to get involved with an anti-theft device and they all suggested having car towed to the nearest dealership. I was able to have a personal conversation with the repair person who seemed to care and now I feel that my car in in the right hands. Now I can relax and do other things. I love being at home and I am fine without my car but I did feel rather trapped with a car that wouldn't start with an alarm blasting away in my driveway.

My town has a senior bus that runs daily from 9-2 and will take me door to door by appointment for $1.00 per trip or $2.00 round trip. I just found out about it and it might come in handy one day when friends can't take me if I have car trouble again. My town has Meals on Wheels too -- but I need to be the one delivering the meals instead of the one receiving them though it seems quite tempting some days. Ha.

Thanks for your concern. I don't mind doing dishes but I dislike cleaning the stove.
xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

I have always adored the art of Jessie Wilcox Smith!
and I too had never seen this one. thank you! it's wonderful.
I hope your car issue is resolved without too much $ and time. xo

RedSkyeAtNight said...


It's possible that the car battery itself may be starting to fail or that the alarm has gone bad.
Glad you have a plan & are more at peace. Our cars are such a link to our world that we can feel quite isolated if (involuntarily) disconnected.

Also wanted to let you know that I follow your iG as well as here & enjoy both formats...there is a difference!


Anonymous said...

More electronics intended to protect us that are NOT helping!

Content in a Cottage said...

tammy j -- I love it too. I'm glad I found something new for both of us. My car is in the shop awaiting a diagnostic tomorrow to get to the root of the problem. I feel such relief.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Skye -- the AAA tow-truck man thought it might be the battery too. I'll know more tomorrow. Thanks for your concern. I'll know more tomorrow. I don't mind being home for days on end with a working vehicle in the driveway but I dislike feeling trapped and can't get out. I'm better now that my car is in the shop.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda Sand -- I honestly wouldn't mind if they clipped the wires and decommissioned the anti-theft device entirely. It is a pain, especially when you can't turn it off if you are the owner and not a thief.
xo, Rosemary

Linda said...

These cars are so complex. Make that too complex. When all systems are in order, they are a blessing. And, when one goes down, we are brought to a helpless state. May the "nice" people and GMC come thru for you.

Pam said...

Oh Rosemary, I'm glad your car is being repaired. Technology is usually a good thing, but there are moments when I long for the good old days.

Really enjoyed seeing the JWS print. It brought back memories of many years ago, when I was a young woman in my first home. I was trying to find affordable wall art, and purchased several of my favorite JWS prints in posters that I mounted and framed. They are so dear. I love blue and white china, too. I've always been partial to Blue Willow--probably because of the sentimental tale behind it.

Claire said...

Good morning! I love this picture. When we downsized about 10 years ago, the only set of dishes I kept were my blue willow. We use them everyday and I love washing them by hand. Mine are by Churchill and almost every piece was found while on "junking" trips with my sisters. I think I will have to have a copy of this picture to hang in my kitchen. Time to do some online shopping. Cars are like almost everything else today. Too many extra features just mean too many extra things to break. As we say down here in the South -- Bless your heart and best wishes for a better day.