Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Animal Illustrations by Chris Dunn

Everyone knows by now that I am fascinated by the interiors of animals. This Wise Old Owl by Chris Dunn is a fine example of the kind of detail that pleases me the most. I love how he has decorated his hollow tree and filled it with antiquarian books and scientific instruments. via

I dug a little deeper and found the artist's website and related immediately with this image of Mole's House Getting a Bit of TLC. It is from Wind in the Willows illustrated by Chris Dunn. Is fall cleaning on everyone's mind?


Lisa D. said...

They both look very cozy and Autumnal, and can't you just see how little kids can imagine crawling into these pictures and joining the owl and the moles?

Claire said...

Fall cleaning was definitely my first priority for this week beginning with the windows. But, as sometimes happens , plans change. After a storm earlier this week, we lost 2 trees. Those now have to be cut up into firewood . The windows will have to wait. Looking at the bright side, the trees didn't hit our house!

Rebecca said...

Charming - simply charming!

Vickie H. said...

These are absolutely divine! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Yes, to fall cleaning. I've been cleaning our drawers and cupboards for the local sale held this week. We residents donate gently used things and the staff (housekeeping, maintenance, dining, etc.) gets first chance to buy them before other residents can shop. The money pays for activities throughout the year. I love living in this senior's complex where so many things happen right under our roof.

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda Sand -- Your Senior Complex sounds delightful. Good luck with your cleaning and I hope the sale raises enough money for some fun activities for all the residents.
xo, Rosemary

Betty said...

Love the detail in the pictures. Interestingly both moles are males....and one is cleaning! Guess the Mrs. is cooking. Ha!