Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nice Property Near Me

This green barn building is part of an estate with outbuildings. The happy white building is a garage. Its twin is in the next photo.

Do you see the happy faces? The large stone main house is behind. This is a corner lot and I didn't photograph it because I had to turn in the opposite direction. I photograph it for you another day.

The people kept the landmark old red barn for their horses.

Here's a closer view showing the stone foundation and the stone walls.
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 76

More sage advice from a father to a son. 
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tabitha Says Good Night

I've been in a cleaning frenzy all afternoon and now I'm rushing to finish all my kitchen chores in time for Doc Martin tonight. I have my DVR set so it's not that urgent. I'm really enjoying Season 6, aren't you? Webster is all tucked in after dinner and a walk. He got cornbread on top of both breakfast and supper so he's a happy dog. Tabitha doesn't care because she's the Queen. Sleep tight, my friends. xo
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Nuzzling Bunnies

I wonder what they are looking for in that gravel? via
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Pink Sky this Morning

I'll be happy when the grass starts looking better in my photos. I woke up early enough this morning to enjoy this beautiful pink sky. Webster had another wedge of cornbread on his breakfast and he thanks you all for his birthday greetings yesterday. See you later. xo
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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cornbread Birthday Cake for Webster

He got 2 pieces for his birthday dinner. One was broken up on top of his kibble and he ate it with great gusto. The second piece was broken up in his bowl for dessert. He was one happy dog. The other pieces are wrapped in a used bread bag for tomorrow. The birthday boy is sound asleep and it's not even dark. I have to wake him up for one final walk. xo
UPDATE: History of my cast iron pan odd, it's from a blog post exactly 3 years ago to the day. This vintage pan is very rare.
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 75

More sage advice from a father to a son. 
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Looking Down on a Tulip

I don't even have daffodils yet, much less tulips. I took this photo in April last year on a real estate showing. It looks like a lovely first day of April but it's still on the cool side. Today is Webster's birthday and I think I will bake him a pan of cornbread instead of a cake. He will be the happiest dog in the world when it comes out of the oven because it's the Wonder Dog's favorite treat.
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Monday, March 31, 2014

Garden at Williamsburg

Perennial garden at Colonial Williamsburg. So lovely! via
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March is Going Out Like A Lamb

After a cold morning with hail, it turned out to be a spectacular day, after all. There is only a small amount of snow left in the front driveway where it was piled over my head by the snowplow man. The ground is still wet from three days of rain, but March appears to be going out like a lamb, after all. I know that is probably not the case everywhere, but I'm glad it's ringing true here at the cottage. Webster and Tabitha are thrilled too. xo
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Seaside Cottage in Norway

One of the people I follow on Instagram posted this photo and I love it. Have you ever seen a more enchanting cottage? I love the architectural style and how it somehow seems private even though it's in a picturesque village. I want to see more of both. 
We had hail yesterday and this morning. Webster and I got caught in it last evening and he couldn't wait to get back inside. I had an umbrella but he had no protection at all and really got pelted. I don't think it hurt but it surely was loud.
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Call The Midwife - Season 3 Tonight

Call The Midwife - Website
Tonight is the Season 3 Premier on PBS at 8PM. I'm so glad it comes on early so don't forget to set your DVR. I love this show. Afterwards is Season 2 Premier of Mr. Selfridge.
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Old Photos: My Brother and Me

Did this roving pony and photographer visit your neighborhood when you were a kid?

My brother Tim. He didn't need any props from the photographer. He came fully dressed in his Hopalong Cassidy outfit he got for Christmas. He wore it until it was either worn out or outgrown, I can't remember which.

Tim's inner and outer cowboy, back in the saddle again.

I wore my own clothes but the hat was probably a prop. I don't remember ever wanting to be a cowgirl. My brother always got up a little bit earlier than I did on Saturday mornings and I was forced to watch Cowboys and Indians because he beat me to the TV.

My inner cowgirl. I've never been at home in the saddle.
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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Snowdrops On Ice

I was shocked when I saw these snowdrops near my front door today when Webster and I went out in the rain. I honestly didn't see them yesterday when I was transplanting on the other side of the walk. They are actually coming up through thin slushy ice. I guess they just couldn't wait any longer. I usually get them in February and it's almost April. WOW!
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 74

I love the last one. I would go an extra step and make it a first edition.
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My Violets will be coming soon.

When I was transplanting my snowdrops yesterday, I unearthed some grape hyacinths that will be coming up too. Later in the spring my wild violets will be lined up against my brick wall.

They are my favorite wildflowers. They come up in the lawn too, before the first mowing. It rained during the night and is a gloomy Saturday with off again, on again rain. I don't mind in the least. Maybe the last of my snow will melt. See you later. xo
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Friday, March 28, 2014

Snowdrops, Transplanted

In between rain showers, I dug up those snowdrops at the edge of the woods and transplanted them.

I look out on this part of the brick wall from my "catbird seat" in the living room. As I find more, I will continue the line until I have a row all the way to the end. Next spring it will be beautiful.
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Beautiful Yellow Barn

Lately I've featured green barns and red barns. I've never seen a yellow one, have you?
It's lovely, isn't it? It would be cheerful to look at on the dreariest of days. I am supposed to have three straight days of on and off again rain but I have sun this morning. Happy Friday. xo via
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Book Borrower Warning

Black is the Raven, Black is the rook, But Blacker is the rougue who returns not this book.
A wonderful warning written around 1839 in the front of an 1810 copy of Robinson Crusoe.
Have you ever loaned a book that was never returned? via
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A Tulip for You

Soon there will be tulips. In the meantime, you can enjoy this animated gif. via
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Webster's Shadow

I took this photo yesterday when the late afternoon shadows were very long. He kept moving and I was lucky to get a halfway decent pic of his alter ego, The Big Bad Wolf. He is fast asleep on the sofa as I drink my morning coffee. As soon as I finish my last sip, I'll make breakfast for both of us. The terrible wind we had yesterday has died down. We didn't get any snow either....yay. South Jersey got 6 inches. I am so thankful. Have a great Thursday and I'll see you later. xo
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Found a Patch of Snowdrops

I found this nice patch of snowdrops on the edge of the woods. I took this photo on Webster's after dinner walk and it was so very cold. The wind has been howling but we didn't get any snow overnight and for that I am grateful. As soon as it gets a little warmer, I'm going to transplant these harbingers of spring to the front of my house so I can enjoy them more. Did the snow fairy skip over you too?
Doc Martin is on tonight!!! Yay. I'm going to catch up on Father Brown beforehand. Hope you enjoy your evening too. xo
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