Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh No! | First Snow of the Season . . .

I am definitely not ready for this. I am sure it will stop snowing just as quickly as it started (I hope). The same thing happened last year before the leaves were off the trees; but in 2007 it was a blizzard. I don't think this flurry will be that bad. This is just a preview of what's to come.

Content in a Cottage

Monday, October 27, 2008

Vintage Halloween Greetings . . .

BOOOO! I found a few really nice vintage Halloween postcards while surfing the internet last week. The last one is my favorite. Which one do you like best?

Content in a Cottage

FREE DOWNLOAD | 2008 Presidential Halloween Masks . . .

Choose your candidate. Some Halloween fun for the office, school, or home.
(If you don't want to wear your mask you can glue or tape a paint stirring stick on the back and just hold it up to your face.)

This is an Equal Opportunity Download for OBAMA or McCAIN


Thanks ~ forbes.com

Content in a Cottage

Henry David Thoreau Advises Sarah Palin . . .

Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Larry Roibal - Illustration

Content in a Cottage

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hip Hop Video by MC Yogi | Obama '08 - Vote for Hope | it's awesome . . .

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

I have never even heard of MC Yogi and I don't normally like rap music. In fact, I really dislike it. I do however like this wonderful video. It gave me chills. Watch it ~ you will be glad you did.

I don't even know how I found it...I was searching on Google for something entirely different. These things just FIND ME and I am so glad this one did. ENJOY!

Did you recognize Obama's inspiring speech from the 2004 Democratic National Convention? Vote For Hope was written to encourage and inspire the hip hop generation—and everyone—to get involved, and contribute their time, energy, creativity, and other resources to be the change they want to see in the world. "Vote for Hope" was written by M.C. Yogi and produced by Robin Livingston. The "Vote for Hope" video was created at Ursa Minor Arts and Media in San Rafael, CA with chief animator James Curtis, using designs and direction from M.C. Yogi. Video funded and supported by grassroots donations.

MC Yogi rocks! Please consider putting this video on your blog. No need to link to me...just help get the message out!

Content in a Cottage

If it walks like a duck . . .

I have no idea what this photo is all about. There is a black thing almost floating in mid-air on desktop. Microphone, blackberry, big black crayon; what did McCain drop? Interesting weird body language.

Some of my antiquarian books . . .

Some of my FINE BINDINGS. I love everything about books...the way they look, the way they feel, and the way they smell. I have been an avid collector of Antiquarian Books for ages. I guess there are more books in the world than almost anything else ~ except plastic bags! I am passionate about the environment; I was "green" before it was trendy and way before climate change showed its ugly face. I recycle everything I can and generate only one small bag of real garbage in a week's time. I believe all antique collectors and dealers practice recycling in a very real way. Try it, you'll like it!

I needed this photo for my ebay site and this was the only way I could add text and save it for uploading when I am selling books.

Ron Howard & Andy Griffith endorse Obama with a Video . . .

Ron Howard, Andy Griffith, and Henry Winkler step back in time to show why Obama is such a great candidate. The video is very good and short too (less than 4 minutes). Please watch; it's very enjoyable.
If the black box below doesn't work, click on this link.
See Ron Howard video

Content in a Cottage

Friday, October 24, 2008

FREE DOWNLOAD | Donald Trump (Vampire) Halloween Mask

He doesn't look that different, does he? Here is your chance to be a billionaire for a day.


Content in a Cottage
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Zero Dollar Bill ~ What's happening? . . .

I can't even watch CNBC today. When is the economy going to stabilize? This is just too stressful for words.

Sarah Palin | Running Mate or Playmate?

Pssssssttttttt. This image has been permanently burned into your brain. It will pop up again the minute you enter the voting booth on November 4th.

It is up to you to keep this from becoming a reality!

Content in a Cottage

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Necessary item for dog walks . . .

This cracked me up! Such a clever graphic for a doggie doo bag. Luckily I don't have this problem since Webster is the most fastidious dog on the planet. He always goes in the woods way away from the yard. He walks himself too. I am truly blessed!

Content in a Cottage

Timely illustrated VOTE QUOTE . . .

Content in a Cottage

YES WE CAN ~ 13 days and counting . . .