Friday, December 9, 2022

Portraits: Tabby Cat & A Fox in the Snow

He's absolutely gorgeous, isn't he? He looks happy and warm even though he's posing on a snow mound. Tabby cats are the best! I love his coloring, a mixture of orange and gray with black stripes. Photo found here.

This fox must be waiting for something to pounce upon without having to jump so high. What a great portrait! Photo found here. I am not ready for snow but I still love to look at snowy photographs. 


Noelle said...

Beautiful pics and no not ready for snow.. i'm just getting to enjoy the colder air, we need a little more time for snow.. N

Content in a Cottage said...

Noelle -- Areas north of me are supposed to get snow tomorrow but I will just get rain. I'm with you, not ready for snow either. Fingers crossed. I love looking at photographs of it though. xo, Rosemary

Tasha T said...

Gorgeous photos of the cat and fox. I'm a great cat lover, having had three during the last few years. And my neighbours tell me that a fox wanders around our gardens at night but I've never been fortunate enough to see him.

annette said...

Have you ever known a cat who is not photogenic?xo

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- I liked both of those photos too. I hope you get to see the fox during the day this winter. They are gorgeous in the snow. I hear them at night but haven't seen one recently. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

annette -- Now that you mention it, I have not. Cats are such beautiful animals. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

Such great photos! Makes me miss the fox den we used to spy on at our old farm place. My mother-in-law told the story about how they found the den, over 60 years ago, near the creek. When we took on the farm, we saw foxes on a regular basis, but they're easiest to see in the wintertime, when there's snow on the ground. I always found it amazing that foxes would continue to live in the same den for decades!