Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dachshund Bootscraper

Late afternoon shadow photographed with my iPhone at the home of a friend day before yesterday. We have gray skies here at the cottage and reports of thunder showers to come but it's not going to be as hot as it was yesterday.
Have a pleasant weekend!


humbird said...

People often say, "small dog, big attitude."
Well, here's a small dog, big shadow :)

Great photo. Love your antique Dachshund dog cast iron boot scraper.

Content in a Cottage said...

The real miniature dachshund at my friend's house is very sweet. They are such great dogs!

humbird said...

My husband's family had "mini daxies" and he melts whenever he meets one these days. He has fond memories of them.
They are indeed sweet dogs, very affectionate.

I like dogs so much. Big and small, I love 'em all :)

Content in a Cottage said...


That breed is very sweet. I enjoy going over to feed and walk my friend's dogs and enjoy her beautiful property.

Webster likes to 'go with' and visit his canine friends too.

xo, Rosemary