Friday, April 23, 2010


I mowed my front and back lawns last night and did quite a lot of weeding. I didn't finish until almost 8pm. It was a really good workout and everything looks so nice this morning. My wisteria is starting to bloom too. Mine doesn't touch the house like the beautiful mature vine in the image above. It's so nice in the spring and very fragrant too. One must be very careful that it doesn't take over like it did at Grey Gardens.

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Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Is there anything more beautiful than those lush, heavy blooms from wisteria? So pretty!

Kiki Chaos said...

I'd forgotten how much I love wisteria until I saw your picture. We had it growing down the drive of my childhood home and seeing this took me straight back. I hope to grow wisteria around my own home one day.

Emma said...

Stunning! My grandma had these growing all round her front door & they always remind me of her. I love them. x