Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life's little Instruction Book, page 120 + a few photos . . .

Such a clever use of space.

Thanks for stopping by the cottage for your visual tour and daily dose of inspiration. It is hazy, hot, and humid morning in New Jersey. It's going to be a scorcher. So far, I have not turned on my central air at all this year. I just pretend I am in Alabama on days like this. Webster has never been there so he just goes under the bed which must be the coolest place in the house. Enjoy. ♥Rosemary

Content in a Cottage


Tracy Watier said...

Completely agree with #400-402. "No thank you" to #403. Too depressing. But a good idea for all eighteen-year-olds (in order to witness the consequences of not following #400!)

Millie said...

I love the happiness & marshmallows analogy. MOTH & I have been known to devour a whole bag in under 5 minutes!
Millie ^_^